Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Planning Day

Greetings Awakened Ones!

So, what's the plan for today? Oh....your just going to see where it takes you! Well it has been said that life is what happens when you are planning something else, (meaning that sometimes plans will flat out change). But does that mean that you should not plan? Of course not!

Plans give you a sense of direction; they offer a way out of aimless drifting (which is fine on occasion but maybe not as a life path.) ( I must admit however that I am looking forward to doing a little bit of aimless drifting when I retire!)

Plans can be as simple as setting your intention for the day or a full as developing a plan for the year or for your life.

The questions for the day are:
. What plans do you have right now? Are you into planning? How do your develop your plans.
. Can you say what you what to achieve spiritually? Physically? Educationally? In your career? Or any other area of your life?
. Do you see a difference between intentions and plans, and goals?

Well, i plan to make it a valuable day! Wait is that my intention? Oh no, do I have any goals to achieve that? Oh, do I need any?

Rev. Sylvia


  1. In 2011, as of this moment, I plan to go back to school, take my art to the next level, and open myself more to spirit. I am into making to do list. Does that count for planning? I am learning how to develop my plans by identifying a step by step process, small goals add up to big plans approach.

    At this moment I can identify the goals I have identified in various areas of my life. Are these goals more than intentions and are they well planned out is a good question. Only God and time will tell.

  2. More than anything what I want to achieve spiritually is a complete reliance on God which will allow me to bring my divine nature to every experience and live fearlessly. To be present to Spirit and fully awake to life. I believe being spiritually balance will allow me bring the other facets of my life into alignment. For me there is only a silver of difference between intentions, plans and goals, what makes the difference is the action supporting those words.

    I plan to be a committed and active Truth student, a future law student and healthier person in general
