Monday, January 31, 2011

Choose Goals and Achieve Them

Greetings Purposeful Ones!

There was a time when having goals and writing them down was the popular thing to do. There were books, workshops, and the like. Now people have coaches which I think would work better because you have some you have to be accountable to or at least honest with as to why you haven't made much progress.

Since many of us don't have coaches, maybe the old fashion way can still work for us. The only challenge is however how to actually work towards your goals. The author of the book "choosing happiness" gives some wonderful how to's on page 141. Your action steps are to do them.

However the questions for today are:
. Do you feel you have a purpose in life? What is it?
. Do you feel you are on point?
. What would you like to do that you are not doing? What would it take for you to do it?
. How do you approach achieving your goals? Wat is your process?

Well, enough. I have things to do today!
Make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia

1 comment:

  1. I feel that my purpose in life is to Create and bring forth and express the Divine Idea of Beauty. I feel that I am doing that in many ways. It's not always works of visual art, but sometimes in my daily work of graphic design. I would like to do more photography but this 9-5 is getting in the way :) I approach my goals by visualizing the finished product, sometimes I write down everything/everyone I need, then just set forth fearlessly knowing it is in the hands of the Creator. And so it is.
