Monday, January 3, 2011

Crazy Contradictions

Happy New Year and many blessings!

Well, I am back on line! Had some connections issues but they are all worked out now. I wonder what that all could mean metaphysically? Hmmm...

Well today's lesson is about crazy contradictions! If we are honest, we ace go admit that we too have conflicting values. We too have mixed messages we tell ourselves and others.

But the truth of the matter is that we will yield mixed results in our lives as a result of our mixed consciousness! How can we come to terms with the things we say we value and the things we do that are in contradiction to them? I guess being aware is a good place to start.

The questions for today are:
. Consider whether you are happy with your existing private values. Do they truly represent who you are, or are they a replication of values held by others who have influence you in your life?
. If so, are you satisfied with that, or do you think that it might be a good idea to change some to more suitably reflect your own sense of self and purpose in life?
. How can you move from giving lip service to your values to actually start living by them when even when it isn't convenient?
. Are you are of your conflicting values? Can you identify a situation where you experience a contradiction in hour stated values?

Well, make it a great day!
Rev. Sylvia

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