Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Quantity Time

God's Day to you!

Wow, where did the time go? I bet you have said that a thousand times. And yes, time is moving quickly and it seems that there aren't enough hours in a day to do all that we need and want to do.

Our plates are so full that we are out of touch with the joy and beauty and grace of life. The author states that we feel as if we are slaves to time and that we have forgotten that we have choice! We can choose go do things differently so our quality of life shows up differently!

The questions for today are:
. Can you identify what is driving your life? What is driving you to do more and more?
. What are the choices you can make to have your life on a better track of grace and ease? What are you willing to change?
. How are you choosing to live your life?
. What happens when you don't have quality nor quantity time for you life?

Make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. I am extremely grateful for the blessing of retirement. I do not miss the frantic life of a career person. Now I live (what sometimes feels like) the frantic life of today’s retiree. The major differences are: my days are filled with activities of my choosing; and I can designate enough hours in every day (or at least every week) to fit in relaxation, drifting, recovery and renewal. I am driven by a quest to use my remaining years enjoying life; and learning, practicing and applying Truth principles. Praise God!

  2. I completely agree with N-Jean-Yus. It seems I just existed in my workiing life and was much more "asleep". Now I live.

  3. . Can you identify what is driving your life?
    Not really. Basic hierchy of needs, but beyond that not really. A quest for a sense of purpose and happiness, I guess.

    What is driving you to do more and more?
    Well I feel that I have the ability to do more, and that really is a gift, because I realize everyone doesn't have the opportunities I have so it seems that I shouldnt waste it. Thinking about it there is also an inside sense of knowing that there is "more" than just the basics.

    . What are the choices you can make to have your life on a better track of grace and ease? What are you willing to change?

    Very ironic that this is the message this week because over MLK weekend, I decided to get rid of cable, which may not seem big, but I am a HUGE TV watcher, and I feel I veg and waste a lot of time, just watching mindless shows. Over the past two weeks I have been looking at what I can change, how I am spending my time, why I don't seem to have time to meditate or journal or exercies. I really looked at what I was doing. So being willing to not watch TV probably frees up 4 -6 hours A DAY for me. We will c how it goes, but I really feel it can only be a positive change.

    . What happens when you don't have quality nor quantity time for you life?
    A sense of hurry, depression, and less energy.
