Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Harmony at home

God's Day Beloved Ones!

Our author say, "We generally feel most 'at home' with people who more or less share our most treasured values". Well that is probably true, after all, "like attracts like". But then again, it is also true that "opposites attracts".

However, have you ever found yourself in a relationship where you thought it was "like alike" attracting, but what you end up with is just the "opposite"? And, you find yourself in conflict after conflict.
Or, you may wonder how it is that two people who are complete opposites, are together and get along well. It's the values! They share things that are
extremely important to them other than just the physical attraction.

The questions for the day are:
. Examine the people closest to you an see if you can identify values you may have in common.
. Likewise, examine the people you may be in conflict with and see if you can identify uncommon or opposites values. (of course this is all subjective but it may offerngood insight).

May it a wonderful day!
Rev. Sylvia

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