Friday, January 28, 2011

Who needs goals?

Greetings awakened ones!

Well, it is almost the end of the first month of this new year and the question is, have you maintained or followed through on those intentions and resolutions you set on January 1st?

We all love the idea of goal setting or making promises or stating our intentions but do we actualize them? Do they serve us?

For goal setting to be effective our author says: it needs to be "Authenic" - they need to be goals you desire for yourself, not to impress or please someone else. They need to be "Inspirational" - they should stimulate your sense of potential. They need to be "Realistic" - a stretch but not entirely out of reach. They need to be "Clarifying" - they let you sort out your priorities and act decisively. And, they need to be "Integrating" - they align you with your purpose and values.

The questions for the day are:
. Did you set any goals at the beginning of the year and, have you kept them?
. Are your goals, intentions, wishes, promises, hopes serving you? Have they inspired you to action?
. What is standing in the way of you actualizing your goals, dreams, etc.?

Make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia

1 comment:

  1. My intention is to live in my divinity while being aware of my humanity, to remain conscious anytime I that choose to walk entirely in my humanity. And everything else will follow. No longer do I want to find myself acting out of ego alone and wondering how I got there. I am inspired to walk this path of awakening no matter where it takes me. I am experiencing much longer periods of complete peace and inner silence. Yet there is still much work to be done, nothing is standing in my way right now.

    Kim Davis
