Monday, January 10, 2011

Considering Forgiveness

God Day Beloved Ones!

Well, today's topic is right on time considering the recent display of horrendous violence and insanity that is creeping into the fabric of our everyday lives.

How can we find more ways to be tolerant, inclusive, understanding and accepting of diversity? How can we become more open hearted and forgiving of our humanity and lack of demonstrated perfection?

Well, our author asks us to "consider forgiveness". She states, "our development, including the development of our highest values, entirely depends on how we deal with the hardest, toughest, and least welcome situations in our lives; not the easiest. In stretching ourselves to forgive others, we may also learn something vital about forgiving ourselves".

Our questions for today are:
. What was the hardest thing you had to forgive?
. What is it that you are still holding onto thatnyou need to let go of?
. Why is it so hard to forgive?
. What does forgiveness mean to you?

Make it a loving day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. The hardest things I had to forgive were betrayals from an ex-husband and from a cousin (separately). I am no longer holding onto any anger about the marriage because I have come to realize my role in the big picture. Incompatibility would have negatively affected the relationship anyway.

    I truly have forgiven my cousin for repeated incidences of spewed venom, because I realize there are issues in her mind that cause behavior for which she is eventually apologetic. However, I find I am holding onto the awareness that she remains capable of lashing out again and I am not willing to be the subject of misunderstandings and unwarranted retaliations. Therefore, communications between us will remain minimal.

    Generally, I find it so easy to forgive minor offenses that there are times when I meant to avoid someone and didn’t; or forgot we weren’t speaking and gave a greeting with a smile.

    Forgiveness - to me - means returning to a wholesome relationship devoid of thoughts and behavior that reflect hurt, anger or resentment.

  2. I too had a hard time forgiving my ex, God rest his soul. I never got an opportunity to tell him how much he hurt me. I have re-married and I'm sure I still carry some of that residue from my firt marriage. I have written in my forgiveness journal 70X70 for 7 days twice. However, I now understand his role in my life. He fathered my three wonderful children.

    GOD gave me a wonderful husband the second time around and we have been married over 3o years. I find that I can more easily forgive others before I can forgive myself.

    Forgiveness to me means total freedom, joy and no regrets. I am still a work in progress.

    I am truly thankful for this class, I know it is God ordained.

  3. Forgiving myself for my mistakes is the hardest. For a period of time, I could not forgive myself so I could not fathom that God would forgive me. I knew God could forgive me but did not know why He would. I errantly attributed my human characteristics and flaws to God. If God did forgive me, I believed His forgiveness was conditional contingent upon the intensity of my begging, suffering and remorse. The God of my youth was portrayed as forgiving of those who seemingly did not need His forgiveness but less so to those us “me” who needed it most.

    It was difficult for me to forgive myself because of my: 1) lack of knowledge and acceptance about who I am in Christ (forgiven) and who Christ is in me (forgiving); 2) unwillingness to own my part in the situation; 3) belief that situation could not be forgiven/healed and 4) acceptance of the judgment of others which I allowed to keep me from healing and releasing the situation. Thank God I now forgive myself without the self condemnation and torment.

    Forgiveness means that I must live in the “now” moment. I cannot change yesterday nor can I allow yesterday to be a ball and chain tethered to my future. Forgiveness means releasing my mind and spirit from the guilt of my past poor choices and judgments. Forgiveness means liberation and Christ in me is the Great Liberator. I know Divine forgiveness is readily available to me but I must do my part. I must go within, ask to be forgiven, stop focusing on the hurt and guilt, accept the forgiveness and move forward with gratitude for the forgiveness. Focus on the forgiveness - What hold my attention hold me!!!

  4. I know the power of forgiveness and yet there are times when I am less than forgiving of others. Surely, there are MANY who have forgiven and continue to forgive me so I must remember the power that is inherent in one's ability to release and let go of the past, for all Good things promised are in the present moment. be well~
