Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One Value at a Time

Good Day Precious Ones,

How do you make a trip of a thousand miles? One step at a time! We are all familiar with that saying. Yet I know that often times we want to rush ahead of where we are to get the place we want to be. But doing that causes us to missmthe joy of the journey!

Being present in the moment and to the moment will certainly help us not get too far ahead of ourselves. If we can deal with one thing at a timenyounwould be surprised at how much we can accomplish. I know the emphasis is on "multi-tasking" these days but there is nothing like being fully present in the moment. It actually gives you more time, greater clarity, and more energy.

The questions for the day are:
. What is the one value that you will focus on today?
. How will you stay focused on your tasks at hand when you have a million things to do?
. Looking at your needs today, what is the one value that will support you?

Make it a positive day !
Rev. Sylvia


  1. I am practicing being in the moment, letting go and treating every negative thought with an affirmation. In every moment I need to be gentle with myself and be true to my spirit. If I find myself being distracted, I write the thought or item to do and remain focus on the task on hand. My prayer life has enhanced my focus, so I am living my truth.

  2. Discernment-is my word for this year. I'm given a word each year from the small inner voice and this year I am grateful that with all the plentifulness in my life, I have the gift to discern whats most important in the moment and be present with that.

    Kim Davis

  3. My value for the year is "TRUST"! Trust God! Trust Jesus! Trust Spirit! And Trust Myself!

  4. Today and for the last few months, I focused on the value of gratitude. For Christmas gifts, I gave friends a simple card with the word “gratitude” on it. I know despite all that seemingly challenges me on a daily basis, I am blessed. When I focus on being grateful for what is, I can more easily see the good in demanding situations. It has become my practice to simple say, “thank you God and Thy will be done”. I know that God is in control and has worked out the ultimate outcome so I can be grateful in advance of the manifestation. My work with homeless people and those in need hospice care reminds me but for the grace and mercy of God, I could be the one being cared for instead of the one offering care. For me, having a grateful spirit means: opening my mind, heart and hand to God-claiming that God has worked out the situation for His glory and my highest good, rejoicing in the present moment, appreciating the people and things in my life without greedily wanting more. “Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” Brain Tracy.
