Friday, December 17, 2010

When it's Love you are seeking

Good Day Beloved Ones!

When Tina Turner asks, "What's Love got to do with it?" we say, everything! We are all seeking love, albeit in different ways, but we are on the hunt for love none the less. However, before you go looking for love in all the wrong places, why not start with yourself!

The author states, "we need to treat ourselves lovingly, or at the very least, kindly and respectfully, when it's lo e that we are seeking. And, one way of another, it is always love that we are seeking even when we call it "approval", "attention", or "affirmation".

So, before we seek approval, attention, or affirmation from others we want to make sure we are seeking it or valuing it for ourselves.

The questions for today are:
. Are you aware of how you seek approval, attention or affirmation? For yourself and from others?
. How do you value your: physical existence, your intellectual existence, your spiritual existence, your emotional existence, and your social existence?

Make it a valuable day
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Once again - I’m getting to see that the area where I need to focus more attention is on my physical existence.

    The break down of the areas of our existence and the specifics of HOW to take care of those key areas - is quite important. I so appreciated the information that I transcribed it and shared it with family and friends (via email). Like anything else, there are those who will skim over the information and others who will use it as a checklist to see how they’re doing, and a task list for improvement. This is great stuff!

  2. As a visual artist, I suppose I'm always seeking approval, attention and affirmation on some level (even though I affirm the reasons for my art are my own first). In the last year, my new job has prevented me from continuing my physical fitness routine, which has taken its toll on my self-esteem. I've prayed that I maintain my perfect physical form and I have, even though it's not my preferred state. I have to remind myself to be thankful and not dwell on what I am not. I value my spiritual existence by showing up to service every Sunday I'm able and taking this class, feeding my mind and soul with the Truth.
