Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Put Your Values To Work

Greetings Beloved Ones!

I apologize for not posting these past two days. I guess I was helping you practice some values like forgiveness, compassion, understanding, or any other positive quality. I am also being called to use them myself as this is the fourth time I have tried to post this message today! I will be setting up a different venue because ping is NOT it!!!!

Whenever we have trying situations, our values can come in handy if they are supporting us in gaining or having a different perspective. Do your values actually help you to shift your energy and experience? If not, why have them!

This experience with losing the blogs points out two different values for me; one is patience, and the other is wisdom. I am going to practice wisdom and make a change in the venue instead of thinking I have to stick with what we originated.

An action step can be to pick a value for the day and notice how often you use it or not; and note whether thar values is actually supporting you in shifting your consciousness.

Questions for the day are:
. What percentage of the qualities you value most do you use each day to make decisions?
. Do you practice, practice, practice using your values consciously?
Do you think we can borrow values from others and make them our own? How do we make them ours?
. We you are in an emotional quandary can you identify what value is needed to support you at the time and do you do that?

Well, I pray this goes though. Make it a great day.
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Lately, I've found my most treasured value has been patience. That applies internally as well as externally. Internally, within my spirit as I seek to re-engineer and realign my conscious mind to my passion(s)and learn the value of enjoying each moment of every day; and not just living toward a goal. Externally, I practice patience from the aspect of the energies that are at play in and around my work place. Patience has been a great tool in not reacting to others' impatience or inability to cooperate within a team or on a project. Patience has made it easier to understand others' perspective and thoughts with regards to work requirements.
    Rev James W.

  2. The suggestion from the book to write your way out of being stuck or overwhelmed, is a good one. I need to etch that on my consciousness because it is not so easy for me to identify what value is needed to support me when I am in an emotional quandary. I don’t think identifying the value is as hard as remembering to do it.

  3. I would say I use all of my values when the situation calls for them but to what extent is the question. Yes I am patient but for how long. Yes I am honest but to what point.

  4. My thoughts resonated very closely with you Jean, with regards to identifying the value, for me also its also remembering to to do it. Often times i find myself reflecting back on a situation where I may have acted or "reacted" in a way that was not for my highest good or the highest good of those involved and thinking "hum....that was an opportunity for me to show up in a different way with a value that demonstrated the highest good and the goodness of God within me" What i commit to do this morning is to pray and meditate on and for the the wisdom to remember in the "moment" to seek and identify the highest value for a situation before i act or react.
