Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Being, not Doing

Good Day Awakened Ones! is such an elusive quality. We all want more of it and when we have it, we still seem to need more. However, have you known people who seem to accomplish so much more in a day than seems possible? Yet, we all get the same twenty-four hours in a day.

With all that we must do in a day with our nosy schedules it seems challenging to be able to take some take some time for yourself....but, that is exactly what we must cultivate as a habit and as a priority for ourselves.

The questions for today are?
. What level of time management would you say you possess, and is there néed for improvement and if so, what will you do about it.
. Do you seem to " waste" time during your day?
. What moves you to a state of joy and can you incorporate it into your life on a daily basis?

Action Step: Notice how and where you spend your time. Keep a log of today's activities and record how much time was devoted to each activity. Reflect at the end of the day and access "was it well worth your time"!

Make it a great day!


  1. Once I recognized that time is relative I learned to master it. I learned that it gives to me what I give to it. Just like giving and receiving. I don't need more time What I need is to acknowledge the time I have as Plenty instead of Not Enough, that changed my relationship with it and it began to work a lot differently for me. For example, my body deserves to operate at it's peak performance in order to support the things I will ask it to do for me today. Therefore, when I WAKE UP I GET UP. Going to the gym or outside for morning exercise is not something I have or don't have time to do, it is a part of my body maintenance like taking a shower or brushing my teeth so in order to have what I need to give it I have to make it a NORMAL part of my routine, therefore if I go to bed half hour or hour earlier by turning off the NEWS or My Computer, I will wake up an hour earlier. The key is not to turn over and say 15 more minutes you woke up so that you could prepare your body for that day now get up.

    These kinds of activities actually elongates times and I am more alert and productive. To me it is the difference between being Efficient and Effective. Efficient people strive to do things right. Effective people strive to do the right things.

    Time is my friend now that we work together in harmony and understanding.

  2. I am "making time" for this class and the readings, so I think I'm on the right track... :)

  3. I would have to truthfully say I posses complete management of my time. How I use it, is what can either keep me peaceful or feeling a sense of guilt by appearing to others perceptions that I'm lazy, wasting time, sleeping and just wandering around the house doing nothing. The awakening moment is when I realize that my time is mine to do as I choose. Far too often ,I think we fall into that herd mentality feeling we must do as others; get up at a certain time, eat breakfast, go to work, cater to others etc. The key to me is to step out of a routine and just live my time in a way that I fulfill my obligations to myself first,( sleeping, meditating, relaxing and sometimes just sitting doing nothing but just enjoying me), and then fulfilling my commitments to others. I think that doing whats best for me, be it with time management or interacting with others is what will give my mind, body and spirit joy and happiness. I will be doing what I want to do. Some will call it selfishness, but charity begins first at home. Love of self. It is in this love of self that I am loving the indwelling Christ. In first Loving the GOD of my being with all my mind, body and soul, I am better able to serve others in a more relax, loving and pleasant way. I forgot to mention that I am retired giving me a complete different perspective on time management.

    So, do I waste time during the day? No, I call it loving me.

    The one thing that moves me to a state of joy is meditation. It keeps me grounded and it lets me know what my real priorities are and how to best live in this world but not be of it.


  4. My awareness of time is so elusive and I’ve finally understood that I have no concept of time. So, my approach now is to change that paradigm and I have started with becoming aware of what 10 minutes feels like. I know the concepts, process for planning, time wasters, and even how to manage time strategically – I teach managers how to do all this – what I don’t know is how long is ten minutes. In my workshops, I designate people as time keepers for me.

    I have improved dramatically and each day I continue training myself to be aware of the time. There are times when I make tremendous inroads and then there are times when I revert back to my spirit- no concept of time- self. This is truly a lifetime work in progress.

    Usually, I’m very much focused and have a lot going on, so I rarely waste time. Purposefully, I do have more relaxed moments when I need to pray, meditate, think, create or design. Then I have the more intense moments when I rolling with several different projects at the same time. Then, there are the times for resting and renewing and having more joy and laughter. Very intentional!

  5. This is an area where I need work. I have so much that I'm trying to do that sometimes I feel I can't do it all. I've given up going to the gym, which pains me. I don't beat myself up for giving my Sundays to church and friends and I don't feel guilty when I allow myself to veg' out here and there or don't pull an all nighter. I trust that "it will get done" and it will.

    I will use some of the techniques I've read above and change my perspective.

    Thank you!
