Thursday, December 23, 2010

Values are for everyone

Greetings Awakening Ones!

Here's a thought...."Whatever is most important to you, whatever is at the forefront of your mind, will inevitably be reflected in every decision you make, and in all your choices, actions and behaviors".

Sometimes what is at the forefront of my mind, is not what a say I really value, but what is most needed in that moment. I may be rushing so I rush to judgment, or I don't what to hurt someones feelings so I don't say what I want. The point is sometimes there is a disconnect between what moves us and what really matters to us!

The author suggests that we, "be real about" what matters to you. "know wants driving you.". Know what's "coloring" your life, "flavoring" your thinking. Only then can you discover if this is really
what you want!

So, the questions for today are:
. What matters most to you?
. Is this really what you want?
. What is your plan for changing it if there is a disconnect between what matters most to you and what is manifesting most in your life?

Love you all!
Rev. Sylvia

1 comment:

  1. I just learned something extremely profound about myself. Not in any stretch of my imagination do I think of myself as a "people pleaser." But, my behavior is driven NOT by wanting to please others, but NOT wanting to displease others. Is there a difference????

    It seems that pleasing others is about them; not displeasing others is about me. reliability; my trustworthiness; my reputation; my image. Whew. I don’t really care about how I am perceived by others, but that perception is a reflection of how I'm doing against my own standards..
