Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Looking for Love

Good Day Lovelies!

Been looking for love in all the wrong places lately?
Well who hasn't at least once in their life. Love....We write about it, talk about it, sing about, and long for it. Yet for some, it seems elusive or unattainable or we only want it in a particular form.

The foremost place to look for love is within and with yourself; then you will be better able to love others.

The questions for the day are:
. What are your emotional needs? Do you know?
. Do you love yourself? Unconditionally?
. Are there areas of feelings of unworthiness that need to be addressed?
. Are you comfortable receiving love from others?

Well dear ones, have a lovely day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. I learned quite a while ago that I needed to love myself, and I do. I'm not so sure the love is unconditional, but I can say that I haven't hated myself or my life in a very long time. My emotional needs are many and vary from time to time. As for my love has been in the still quiet waiting for Devine guidance for some time now. Although I'm open to it, I no longer actively seek a partner and I'm actually OK with that. My life has not diminished a single bit over the past several years. I have no feelings of unworthiness because I truly believe in God's grace. Am I comfortable receiving love from others???? Yes...I think so...I try to be...I guess it depends on the situation and context.

  2. The first thing that I want to say is Hallelujah and amen to todays lesson.

    I don't believe my emotional needs are very complicated. I respond to a loving approach as well as anyone else. As far back as my childhood, being in the presence of violence or angry words, made me fearful and upset my whole vibrational being and still do. I have accepted the fact that learning to love oneself is priority number one, for without self love, you can really suffer and be unkind to yourself. I love myself with far fewer conditions now than in the past. I'm committed to working on this lovingly, I guess until all the conditions are gone.

    I work on feelings of unworthiness all the time, every time a challenge comes to mind, I have to remember to remind myself that I am worthy of an outcome, that reflects the greatest and highest good for all. There are a lot of challenges in my life at this time, so the opportunity to work on this aspect of my soul are limitless, and I am GRATEFUL.

    I feel as though I'm a loving person and I love to receive the same from others. One of my mottos is I may not feel good about all the things you do, especially if others are hurt, but I love you and it's nothing you can do about it. The other is forgive everybody for everything, this one takes a little work . I send love to you all today and everyday.

    Life is Good

    Be Blessed
    Rev Pat

  3. Thoughts and emotions are inextricably bound. I have learned few aspects of my life are more important than the type and quality of my thoughts/emotions. It is through the prism of thoughts/emotions that I enjoy life or not, develop healthy relationships or not, have a successful career or not and love myself or not. Growing up, emotions just happened and I reacted. Now I know, I can and must channel and manage my thought/emotions and not allow them to run amuck. Emotions are an essential part of life, it is how I manage my thoughts/emotions that counts. When you know better, you do better.
    I am learning to love myself unconditionally. It is a process of offering/accepting self love in its purest form and unlearning destructive thoughts and behaviors.

    I wish I could truly say, I have no feelings of unworthiness. Unfortunately, I do. Intellectually, I know that I am worthy. I am the beloved of God. My goal is to move that knowing from my head to the essence of my being.

    Am I comfortable receiving love from others-yes with caveats. I must feel emotionally safe and get out of my own way to really experience and enjoy it.

  4. Excellent lesson today, and so true!

    Learning to love myself unconditionally.... Making progress! Feeling good. I don't feel unworthy, and have no problem receiving love from others. So, my focus is on #1 -- loving self. It's definitely not something we're taught growing up, although I think it is the true meaning of the "Golden Rule" -- "love thy neighbor as thyself." You can only truly love your neighbor to the extent that you love yourself first.

  5. I also found this lesson powerful.

    I have to admit to being conditional with my love. I can be very judgemental of others actions and my own.

    I have never considered my emotional needs. Correctly or incorrectly I don't think I have any.
    Honesty, acknowledgement, respect are things I'd like to have but I am not comfortable saying I need them. If I don't get them...well...I cannot imagine not getting them in some capacity from one person or another.

    Yes there are feelings of unworthiness. I am addressing them through this class.

    I am comfortable receiving love from others. I have been a relationship for 13 years now. It continues to mature and challenge my sense of self. I am also comfortable with the fawning adoration of mindless sycophants. Just kidding. I couldn't resist that.
