Monday, December 6, 2010

Love your body(silence your complaints)

Greeting Beloved Ones!

We have often heard that we are Spirit, Soul, and Body. We usually get the spirit and soul part easily but have a slight challenge with the body part.

Haven't you looked in the mirror and thought, "oh my god, who is that?" Well it was you!

While we are working on the development of our Spirit, and Soul, let us not forget to include the Body! This is the vehicle that makes your existence in form possible.

I know I have some work to do since my body has undergone dramatic changes and I never wanted to gain too much weight. Well I not only have expanded my consciousness but my physical expressions as well. Now to learn to love it all is the key!

The questions for today are:
. Do you love what you see when you look in the mirror?
. What changes would you make to your body based on "sell-love"?
. Action Step: spend five minutes praising and thanking your body for carrying you this far!

Rev. Sylvia


  1. This is hard for me. Because what I see today isn't what I remember. Its like my best years were years ago...those images indelibly imprinted on my mind and burned to celluloid or in magazines and calendars. I'm not him anymore. I've changed, for the better??? Yes, I question this. So you're seeing my big problem - I beat myself up. It's sometimes hard to accept myself aging. Yes, some people say you look great but it isn't a standard that I am all that happy with. So depending on the day, I can be OK with my image, inmost cases I dont study myself and look for too many flaws.

    The changes I would make to my self based on self love would involve fine tuning (earsing and re-recording) the internal tapes that allowing me to care less about me and more about others.

    I love the action steps and will work this into my day and my gratitude work. Wow! I forgot to thank my body for caring me... What an awesome thought!

  2. Yes I love what I see in the mirror! And not because I think I am fine but because I reward myself everyday for having the courage and the determination to get healthy. I know that I am the only one who can take responsibility for my health and when I do it is the greatest reward I can give myself. This boost my self awaresness and my self esteem. I don't need to look like anyone else I just need to look like the best IAM.

    IAM awake dressed and in the gym or outside at 5:15 a/m every morning. That is my commitment to myself (body) and my GOD (spirit) and this engages my Mind. As a reward when I get home each evening I dance in my living room to at least 2 tunes that equal about 12-15 minutes and just say Thank You GOD, Thank You GOD, Thank You GOD, for allowing my body to serve YOU today.

  3. Wow what encouragement and dedication to yourself Rev. Charlotte! I need a huge dose of that.
    Like you Kevan I still relate to that physical self of years past and compare it (sometimes not so lovingly) to what is "showing up" in the mirror now. Aging gracefully is my goal and I know I could do a much better job.

    I do cherish and thank my body for carrying me through all these years with minimal challenges. I am going to take time out after excersizing when I get home and thank each body part- visible and not visible for the awesome job they are doing, and also ask if any particular part needs any special attention. Remember the body knows!

  4. When I look into the mirror I see that I have not upheld my end of the agreement with my body to keep it healthy, flexible and tuned. For many years, I used to compare my body to what it used to look like 30 years ago. Now I look in the mirror, see my body for what it is, and I’m still having a challenge with appreciating this new expanded form.

    So today I declare another way of being . . .

    What I am changing is a renewed and deeper commitment from me to honor and love my body as a temple and the vehicle that transports my spirit. I know that in the past I have not been consistent with that commitment. I recognize that as I change my commitment, the reduced inches and physical re-distribution will be a natural outcome.

    Today I thank my body for being in agreement with my spirit and allowing my body to move on its own accord, exercise, walk and enjoy the brisk, cold outside. Also to see that which is seen and unseen, to hear that which is heard and unheard, to feel the vibration of energy and to breathe easily. Thank you God.

  5. I am not always happy with what I see in the mirror. I had not thought of connecting the acceptance of myself physically with the spiritual law of acceptance. It was always attached to circumstances or behaviors.

    Self love ask that I keep this temple in order by choosing a more balanced diet. It does not demand changes in my body but changes in how I perceive my body.

  6. I do love God and I do love Life - then I must do better at valuing the health and strength of my physical being. As Rev. Charlotte demonstrates, it is not easy - but within one's power. It saddens me that I am not using that power for these goals.
