Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Your Power To Choose

Greetings Beloved Ones!

There are times when we find ourselves in the heat of the moment and we react rather than respond to the situation. And, our reactions are usually not our best.

The object would be to learn now to consciously choose while in the midst of a challenging situation; one that is emotionally charged. This is not easy but we can practice how we would want to respond so that it is a familiar response when we are in the heat of the moment.

Also, try noticing what your body feels like when you are triggered. Let it be a sign that you want to make a conscious choice. And, remember to celebrate your successes! Make note of how good it feels to be more on top of your reactions! You can consciously choose!

. What are your triggers or hot spots? How do you usually respond?
. Do you notice when you get defensive in a conversation? What do you do?

Well, choose to make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. My triggers are, rude people, and ignorance. I immediately become angry and will often meet their rudeness and ignorance with the same.VERY slowly, I am getting better with choosing how I respond. I still sometimes fall back to my usual immediate reaction.

    As I have grown older, I no longer become defensive in conversation. I do not feel the need to defend what I say beyond a rational explanation. If the listener is still not "hearing" me, thats their issue. I move on.

  2. I have several triggers. I can be critical of myself and others. My response is to judge. This is a reaction that I am learning to release. After I have made that catty remark or made a critical judgment of someone’s behavior I use affirmations and denials. "They like I am a child of God. I am no closer to perfect than they are. I am growing in my knowledge of my spiritual nature."
