Friday, April 8, 2011

Cure for all Critics

Greetings Beloved Ones!

It's a fact that everybody has an opinion and, they feel free to share them with you! Or, everybody is a critic and they feel free to offer critiques. The questions is, how do you feel being on the receiving end of all these comments and opinions?

Observe whether you have a tendency to criticize, complain, offer unsolicited advice, judgements, reviews, or just your random thoughts about someon else. I know I think, well I am just "sharing"! But we must check to see if we are also "sharing" the good things, things that encourage, inspire, uplift, and praise others!

. Do you criticize others, or offer advice, or judgments?
. How do you handle criticism directed toward you?
. How do you feel when criticized?

Make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Rev. S it is so good to see you working your blog!

    Criticism is someone's inner judge making a verdict on my life. I speak thank you if it helps me and a respectful hum hum utterance if it has no purpose I can see in the moment. I do not meander in the valley of other's thoughts. Each day is the day to uplift myself and others in thought and in deed! And so it is!

    One Rev. S,

    Rev. Mandara

  2. The work I do is often criticized or judged on a regular basis. Most times its subjective. In fact, I'm going through something right now where a co-worker refuses to present work to a client that my boss and I both think is superior to what she wants to present. Her critiques are unfounded and without substance. When I'm critiqued with solutions it's much easier to take. I feel on edge, attacked at times. If I do critique, I try to uplift and make the situation better.

  3. Great comments Rev. Mandara and Michael. I love your definition of criticism Rev. Mandara! I will have to use that!
    Blessings, Rev.S
