Monday, April 4, 2011

Listening is an Attitude

Greetings Beloved Ones!

There is a phrase that says, "Listen or your tongue will make you deaf". In other words, be quiet and listen to what others have to say. There is nothing more caring than giving someone your undivided attention and concern.

Often when others are speaking we are talking in our heads; thnking about what to say next, evaluating whether we agree with what the person is saying or just plain spacing out.

Everyone wants to be heard! Really and truly heard with empathetic ears. You don't have to agree just let me know you have heard me and not with your own spin about what you think I said, but what I actually said.

Listening is an art and done well, can heal relationships.

. How do you feel when you are not heard or listened to empathetically?
. Do you listen to yourself? How much time do you actually spend listening to yourself?

Make it a valuable day! I can hear you!
Rev. Sylvia

1 comment:

  1. When I feel I'm not being heard it's very frustrating. In those times I may chose to writing. I feel I'm much better at conveying my thoughts in that manner, so I may be part of the problem.

    Recently, I was explaining an uncommon situation to a group of friends and was getting frustrated because no one was getting my angle and what was ticking me off because they were expecting a more common outcome, not hearing my unique spin. I had to seek other listening ears, but it was a learning experience.

    I do try to listen to myself, my feelings and hear what might be causing me to be in a bad mood, hear what I'm saying to people and how they interpret my words.
