Friday, April 22, 2011

How are you affecting others?

Have you ever felt small or insignificant? Well, the truth is that we affect everyone we come in contact with! It is as if we leave a energy trail of our presence wherever we go.

Every word you say, every smile, every frown, even your silence has an affect on those around you. So, the questions are:
. What is your being saying to others?
. How do you think other people experience you?
. What is the general impression you leave with the grocery store clerk or the stranger on the street, or the person who calls soliciting on the telephone?
. How would describe your relarionship with your colleagues and co-workers, oh yeah, and your boss? And, how do you contribute to that relationship?

Ah, what a wonderful day!
Rev. Sylvia

1 comment:

  1. I think we have all felt small or insignificant at sometime in our lives.I'm not sure if I can really know how others experience me, but I try to project sincerety and kindness above the influence of error. I am always courteous and respectful to store clerks, wait staff, and strangers. Not so much with telephone solicitors. When I was working, my reputation was that I could be difficult to work with because I expected perfection. I'd like to think I've lightened up a little since then.
