Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Power of Pausing

Greetings Beloved Ones,

We're all familiar with the phrase "Stop, Look and Listen". What if we were to apply that concept to how we engage life? We might then pause to check out if we are being conscious in our actions; we might take more time in listening to others; we might actually stop and smell the roses.

Learning to pause before we act, or speak, and do an inner scan, (which doesn't have to take long,) will allow you to bring more awareness and presence into your being. You will find you will make better choices, present yourself in a calmer manner, be more thoughtful of others and express a host of other positive effects.

. What can you do to build in some power pauses into your life and daily activities?
. What can you do to train yourself to pause before you act?

Well, make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. I have had two comments just dissapear this morning. Too lengthy and detailed to remember and re-write. See you all in class tonight.

  2. The first thing that comes to my mind is ... oh wait that is not what we are supposed to be doing!

    Taking a beep breath, or two, or three can slow me down. Then that parental voice saying "Slow down. Be nice" kicks in.
