Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Painful Feelings, Painful Attitudes

Greetings Beloved Ones,

Have you ever been wronged, hurt, betrayed, left out or misjudged? Well, we all have suffered some injustice in life. The question is, what have you done with those feelings? What have you done with the hurt and pain? What have you done with the sense of rejection and loss?

Often times we simply keep it all buried within our heart, mind, body, and spirit. We may tell ourselves and others that we are ok, that we are working on it, getting over it, but in reality we are reliving it, holding it in consciousness and letting it affect our attitudes and behavior even if unconsciously.

How long is long enough to hold on to our hurt? Feelings are to be felt, that's ok. It can become problematic when those feelings are then allowed to. Interfere with present day actions, choices, and perceptions.

I say feel them and then heal them! That is our work. Your growth comes through right perception and right thinking! Don't just hold them heal them!

. What hurts or painful situations need to be healed in your life?
. What are you holding on to that needs to be released?
. How do you work on or with your feelings?

Well, make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Well I have two major incidents of hurt and abuse with my parents (classic psycho-therapy issues). I am holding on to the resentment which surfaces as a lack of patience.

    I work on these feelings by remembering they were doing the best they could at that moment, that I am not that little boy in those situations any longer, and the spirit of God in me cannot be hurt.

  2. I have been in two situations in my life where the abrupt end of a relationship left me with many unanswered questions. Both times I was left hurting for months without contact with my former partners. The first one was healed by time but the second required much more work. It was revealed to me that forgiveness was the only way out of all the pain. Once I could forgive, all the hurt washed away.
