Friday, March 11, 2011

Choose like an adult

Greetings Beloved Ones!

What are the things that drive you? What are your addictions? Not necessarily substances, but habits, feelings, compulsions or things you simply do unconsciously.

I love the author's definition of an addiction. She states: "an addiction reflects a fundament attitude that whatever you are addicted to is more powerful than you are, and that your fears, anxieties or limitations could not be eased or supported in any other way." Wow!

An addiction is basically giving away your power! Giving it to something or someone you believe is greater than, better than, stronger than, more worthy than yourself! But, that is not so.

Take back your power over your life and the decisions, choices, and actions you make. There is nothing outside of you that is greater than the spirit of God within you! That's all you need. You are supported by the universe! Go for it!

. To what or where have you given away your power?
. What are the things that drive you?

Make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. I had been reading out of order lately, and these last 5 readings really hit home and are right in line with a book I had been listening to on CD, "The Biology Of Belief", and from a bilological and cellular level, the author talks about perceptions as stimulus, and as driving force, and how repeated actions are usually played out by your unconscious mind. The suggestion was to be conscious of the moment, and to observe your actions to "addictions" and repeated stimulus. Todays reading really anchored that same point.
    I have given my power away to several differnt things in the past, and can see that part of that was just "playing the programmed response" of what I had done in the past, regardless of knowing it wasn't healthy or supportive. So I am in process of rewriting some of my nonsupportive subconscious programs.
    It's kinda exciting, because it's a slightly new twist on the same idea of being conscious and in the now.

  2. wow darryl your process sounds great. i would love to get the book. who is the author?

  3. Food has far too much power in my life! The lessons in this book and the book referenced above are great tools to make change. I've rewritten my scripts - I just can't memorize the lines (smile).
