Monday, November 1, 2010

The Power of Presence

Greetings Committed Ones!

We all know the saying, "Wherever I go, there I am!". Well, wherever we go we also bring bit and pieces of ourselves to others. How we are with others has an effect on them.

Action steps for today:
. Listen the tone of your voice when you speak to others.
. Demonstrate kindness to someone

The questions for today are:
. How do you know when you are present in the moment?
. What stops you from being present.
. What do you do when you are not in a great mood and you have to be around others?

Remember, your presence speaks about you!

Be honest and be awake!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. This is a big one for me. The way I know that I am fully present is when I look into the eyes of the person that I am talking to or who is talking to me. For a very long time and on occasion I still do this I start thinking of my response instead of staying with the person that is talking to me. What do I do when I am not in a great mood? To be perfectly honest I will find someone to complain to This is another one that I have focused my attention on and now I will either go to the restroom or my car and play one of my tunes that picks me up I Gotta Feelin is my song of choice and it really brings me back to what is really important It is up to ME to make my day GREAT!

  2. Sometimes I think that I'm present, but the reflections that I hear from people viewing me are not in agreement with what I feel I'm projecting. Although my initial reaction would normally be to reject their perspective, I now use that type of circumstance as a signal to tune into myself and become present. My new reaction that seems to work best for me is to become quiet. I've found that in the quiet I'm able to reconnect with myself.

  3. I try to stay focused on a conversation, by giving good eye contact, However, there is so much going on around us, it is easy (for me) to get distracted. As soon as I realize, I return my focus back. Being present in the moments that don’t involve conversation is equally as important and I find gratitude for every little thing in that moment to help. (Often easier said, than done.)

    I am subject to moods that can literally change more often than I care to admit (Cancerian). Although I am usually joyful and positive, people are not aware of the small shifts that take place throughout a day. Again, Gratitude is the Attitude. But if I’ve used a tone or words that are unintentionally offensive, I can probably dig and find a string of negative thoughts that drove a shift in my mood. Thank God, when I recognize it, I can sincerely apologize.

  4. Goodmorning Family!

    When I am fully present I experience a sense of ease and grace about whatever I am doing. I am calm and not so overwhelmed by either temporal pleasures or deep sorrows, I am one with my envirnment. I don't think anything stops me from being present, however I feel pulled out of alignment when I become excessively indulgent in any state of being such as manifesting material goods, which can be fun as long as I maintain my sense of power over them and not the other way around. Also, isolating to the point of unhealthiness can affect my being present, being with myself is great but again I have to maintain some awareness about my intention or I lose my sense of alignment and oneness. And of course fellowship, I love being with my friends, however too much of them and not enough me can pull me out of alignment as well. So for me maintaining my sense of presence has a lot to do with overall balance.

    This last question triggered something that I should probably get to work on. When I am not in a good mood and have to be around others, I either do everything I can to lift my energy vibration before attending the social (I am responsible for the energy I bring to a situation). However that is sometimes harsh on my Self, I feel better when I am able to look at my feelings as they arise and examine them kindly as opposed to deferring them for later "when the time is more appropiate." I also push myself to express my "happy" even though I really don't feel it, or I cancel the social plan altogether if possible. Those are my three patterned ways of dealing with mood vs. socializing. I would like to start being more authentic by expressing to people what I really feel in those times (without becoming a gloom and doom person), for example I could say "I'm feeling a bit irritable and not myself today, please don't take it personal." Awakened friends would hold a safe space for that emotion, I know and trust this, however I hate to burden others with my "stuff."

    Kim Davis

  5. Today's reading was right on time for me. Yesterday I was visiting with my mother and she said to me--what's wrong--you always seem so down. I told her I was fine, and I really was but it made me think about how I make others feel when they are around me--even when I am in a good mood. I made a decision last night to work on this. I then read this morning's reading about the power presence and now I feel even more committed to working on this area of my life. If I am feeling happy and positive I want it to shine through me and touch others who are around me. I want people to want to be around me and I think that starts with working on being present.

  6. It is very challenging to think about the last question - What do I do when I have to be around others and I am in a bad mood. That is a really difficult task for me because people have always said that they always know how I am feeling. This awareness of how my moods are so transparent just makes me more angry when I am in a bad mood and then makes it even more difficult to get out of the bad mood. While trying to escape my funky attitude I am keenly aware that the every person I come into contact with senses it. That is not what I how I want to be present myself. It's a terrible spiral that I have found myself in more often than I would like to admit. The one thing I have found that helps me is to just try and smile. People have told me that my emotions are all in my face, so I just try to smile. That works sometimes. How I deal with my moods is something that I need to focus on more so that my presence can be one that people like and want to be around. I really don't want there to be times that my presence is unwanted.

  7. I know that I am in the present when I feel happy and at ease with me and my enviornment. I find that when I am not in the present moment I tend to focus on my problems and what missing in my life rather than my lessons and blessings. I am a very focused person. I joke with my co-workers that I have a one track mind and sometimes I miss what's happening arround me. We I become aware of this I immediately ask forgiveness because I never want to hurt anyone's feelings. When I'm in a bad mood and have to be around people, I try to think about all my blessings and I put a smile on my face and fake it to I make it.,

  8. Being fully present is work. Sometimes I find myself either formulating my response or my mind drifts onto another subject/thought/idea. To remain present I try to block outside distractions, ask questions and maintain eye contact. I know I am fully present when I am able empathize with the person speaking. The things which prevent me from being present are: mind chatter, the trap of multitasking, formulating my response, when the conversation turns into a monologue or a diatribe, thinking about other tasks/priorities and being too connected i.e. phone/email/text. Today I demonstrated kindness when I 1) sent gentle reminders to a few friend whom I invited to join the our life mastery blogspot; 2) when I wanted to read my look at lunch instead listened to a colleagues long and boring story about picking fruit over the weekend; 3) offered a someone the opportunity to go ahead of me in the COSTCO checkout line and 4) slowed traffic to allow another car to merge safely. When I must be around others and my mood is foul, I try to find something ironic or amusing about my situation– anything to alter my feelings. If that does not work, I fake pleasantries as long as possible and politely dismiss myself as soon as possible.

  9. When I'm in a bad mood and have to be around people I try my best to remember not to channel that energy toward them. I may force a smile and sigh keeping in mind that they are not the source of my frustration. What stops me from being present is when I allow my thoughts to run rampant. If I let my mind wonder toward negativity and worry, then I am caught up in my own private whirlwind. Once I re-center, I know that my life is in Divine Order and that everything will be taken care of. That's when I can get back to being in the moment.

  10. Being present is a decision I make that allows me to be fully connected to a person or experience. That decision brings forward a feeling of being fully alert, alive, connected and available to a person or experience.
    What prevents me from being present is my state of unconsciousness or a decision to not be engaged. Either way, it's a choice I'm making - even with the unconscious state of being.

    I had to fly all day on Monday and I made a conscious choice to be fully present to the people sitting next to me, to flight attendants, people I interacted with in the airport and hotel and it was an uplifting experience as to how just that decision can impact a person's day -- including mine!!
