Friday, November 26, 2010

How to soothe yourself

Good Day Beloved Ones!

Hope you had a great day giving thanks yesterday! Don't stop now, it is a great habit to have. It reminds you of all the good you do indeed have.

So often when we forget our blessings, we can fall into states that do not serve our highest good. We may panic, become overwhelmed, stressed out, and the like. The key is to be able to quiet the mind of the disruptive and distructive emotions. We have to be able to soothe oursrvlevs so that we can access that which will be highest and best for us, those God thoughts and guidance!

Whatever arises, tell yourself,"I can deal with it"! Those simple words are powerful. They let you immediately move into a higher more confident state. Keep repeating those words as often as you need to, evenly you will begin to relax and see whatever is yours to do from a clearer perspective.

The author gives a wonderful process for soothing ourselves so be sure to read today's lesson. In the meantime, the questions for today are:
. What extra stress is happening in my life right now? What would help me deal with this stress? Who could I talk to about this?
. Who do you soothe yourself?
. How would the wisest person on earth deal with the situation?

Make it a great day. Remember, "you can deal with it!"
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Having had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends I found this an appropriate question to ask during this time. Many people have strong opinions about many things and will engage in the right and wrong of those opinions. This is where I learned to soothe myself. I learned that I didn't have to allow myself to get worked up and stressed out that I do not have to prove someone else is wrong in order to make myself right. It really is not that important to create a stressful situation around anything that does not matter. I believe it was Terry Cole Whittaker who said what you think of me is none of my business and to take that a step further I find that when I am in a stressful situation it is usually because I am acting forceful in a situation that can not be won or changed therefore why put myself those this. I believe that when someone tells you no or disagrees with you or you disagree with them it is simply an opportunity for you to learn something about yourself and your ability to release and let go of what the other person thinks. This letting go gave me a sense of peace I had never felt, and when I realized that an opinion is just that an opinion that does not make it a fact or fiction it just is an opinion.

  2. Accepting ”it is what it is” would be very helpful in dealing with the stress in my life now. I soothe myself by remembering that I am not in this alone – God is my guide and all I need to do is: not get caught up in the “how” or "when"; keep focused on staying alert to the guidance; remain in-tuned with the vibrational energy; act when it's time to act; and be thankful for being and knowing who I am and Whose I am.

    The wisest person on the planet would say to me, “Accept it for what it is and stop trying to make it be what you want it to be. God has only the best for you – and once you release and open up, you’ll discover amazing and awesome experiences and opportunities!”

  3. I am considering leaving an unfulfilling job. To deal with stress of this decision, I work to quiet my mind’s chatter often and as quickly as I can. My mind-chatter asks me to figure out all the steps before I take action, tells me the economy is not favorable, shows me the pitfalls and basically “what if” me to no end. Reading the Word and daily mediation, breathing deeply, saying my affirmations are among the ways I deal with stress. The Word teaches and strengthens me with the knowledge that the same God that brought the Israelites out of Egypt is my Source. I talk with God (to feel reassured), my future business partner (helps restore my balance and confidence) and my sister (unconditional love and compassion). I soothe myself in many of the same was as I de-stress, in addition to listening to uplifting music, getting Reki treatments, writing/reading and cooking. The wisest person on earth would say,” the first spiritual law of success is the law of pure potentiality. This law is based on the fact we are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality-it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. Our essential nature is pure potential.”-Deepak Chopra. I think he would say, be who you already are divine potential made manifest.

  4. This was a very insightful and useful lesson. The author has a great multi-step exercise to deal with difficult (and especially repetitive) situations. I loved this statement: knowing how to soothe yourself RADICALLY increases self trust and lets you know you can handle whatever arises." And, that knowing how to soothe yourself shuts down the natural "fight or flight" response. Finally, I thought this was particularly insightful: "some problems are not going to be solved -- they will only be outlived." It's somewhat of a relief to realize that.

  5. This lesson provides the best advice I’ve ever seen to overcome panic and soothe yourself when you feel pushed around by your own moods and emotions.
