Wednesday, November 3, 2010

When things go wrong (and they will)

Greeting Beloved Ones!

Often times people say that we Truth Students are Pollyanna's, or that we don't deal with reality, or that we wear rose color glasses. Not so! We just try practicing seeing the good in the situation.

There are times however when things may feel overwhelming. We may not feel in control of the situation or our emotions. Yet, even in those situations we have a choice as to how we will respond. I only wish I could remember that when I am in the midst of the situation!

I love the two questions the author poses when she is faced with a challenging situation: "what does this situation need?" or "what does this moment need?". Just asking those questions brings you back to your strengths!

Your action step for today is to ask that question throughout the day, in every situation and encounter!

Our questions for today are:
. What do you do when faced with an overwhelming or situation? Or some tragedy?
. How do you wake up your inner strenghs?
. How do you know when to hold on and when to let go?

Be Abundantly Blessed!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Last night a couple of friends tried to drag me into an anger-fest over the outcome of the elections. When I did not respond in the vein they did, it just made them more angry. I told them that anger only breeds more anger and now was the time to use our Divine gifts of Creativity. I said that things may not have turned out as we liked, but there's more than one way around a situation. Now was the time to exhibit Faith in our leadership and our Creator to get things done. I was glad I was able to diffuse the situations and bring light to the seemingly dark situation.

  2. I just want you to know that this is the best way of starting my day and I am so grateful to have this tool to center myself and prepare myself for the day. This lesson was interesting for me because I don't believe in things going wrong I believe that things may not happen the way I want them to but I have a choice to see the lesson as an opportunity I believe that age has taught me that right and/or wrong is relative When I am faced with an overwhelming situation my first inclination is to step back from what is happening If I react quickly it is reflex and I don't usually get the results I would desire therefore I just pause for a moment or ask for a break and allow myself to process what I am thinking and feeling That works best for me My inner strengths seem to be on auto pilot somethings to my chagrin I have to keep a leash on her sometimes One of my favorite songs is I release and I let go, and I sing it a lot when I need spiritual support and I remind myself that I am only here for GOD.
    I will miss tonights class & the next two days of blogging with you and our spiritual support team I am leaving for New York and 4 amazing days with Tony Robbins. I look forward to catching up on Monday Go Team!

  3. Namaste Everyone,

    I must admit that when I am faced with an overwhelming situation, my first reaction is to shut down. When this happens, it is even difficult for me to meditate.

    Now thankfully, through tools and lessons learned at Unity I am able to recognize that I have a choice. Now what I usually do is ask for guidance. Even though I can't meditate, I ask my angels to guide me and usually what happens is that I am guided to pick up a certain book or affirmation from my metaphysical library and begin to read. Doing this helps me to center myself in Truth Principles, and to take my mind off of the problem. When this happens, I am able to quiet my thoughts and turn within seeking guidance.

    Sometime ago I had to stand up to a challenge at work. It was a very stressful time for me, and I had to confront a lot of my fears regarding standing up to authority figures etc.

    There were times when I wanted to give in, but within me there was a feeling of peace, a knowing that I was doing the right thing and that I would be sucessful, and I was victorious. That was my first experience of hearing the "still voice" within, and it was marvelous. I now always wait for that feeling, and if it does not come, I let go and let God.


  4. Oh Lord Rev. S!

    Thank you so much for your pos! I am going to keep it simple! When I am laying prostrate, spittle forming in the corners of my mouth, and I am wondering what I am going to do about a situation or circumstance. There are only two ways to move. I can move into the ground and have people sing my praises on my way to glory or I can stand up and claim my moment. I can cry if I need to, say a prayer and keep walking. One thing I know for sure is that the darkest moments in life take me down to the depth of light that is always there. Pain brings t texture, contour and deep humility. NEVER GIVE UP!


  5. I think of an affirmation and/or a song and repeat it and/or sing it until the circumstance is released from my consciousness; or my inner strength to face it is restored and God provides me with whatever it takes to address it, resolve it and let it go. And it works!!
    This morning, after receiving a disturbing email at work, I am singing:
    We've come this far by faith.
    Leaning on the Lord.
    Trusting in His Holy word.
    He never failed me yet.
    Oh' Can't Turn Around.
    We've come this far by faith.
    I’ve even personalized it…
    I've come this far by faith
    Leaning on the Lord
    Trusting in His Holy word
    He never failed me yet
    Oh' Can't Turn Around
    I’ve come this far by faith
    And guess what, He’s already working it out!!!
    Praise God!!!

  6. When overwhelmed or facing a tragedy, I am filled with “angst,” but for shorter and shorter periods of time - as I grow as a Truth Student. One of many goals is to immediately call on the protection and strength that I know is available through Divine providence. - By simply taking deep slow breaths; by remembering that God is with me; and that the Christ Spirit can guide me - the control and calm I need comes to me a lot quicker than it used to. Intuition tells me when to hold on and when to let go.

  7. My typical reaction to an overwhelming situation is to jump (my ego-self)right into the midst of it and rely upon my own thinking to do what comes next (which may include but is not limited to speaking too quickly, exercising limited judgement and minimally applying use of ev-er-y Truth principles that I know).

    My inner strength (and gift) is the ability to pray - for others and for myself. Here is a gentle self-reminder: Use THIS gift, Shaundrae. And use it often.

    So today, I renew my commitment to focus on being prayerful and mindful of the God (which is Absolute Good) in all things.

    Each time I find myself overwhelmed by any situation, just 'wave' the sword of Truth.

    Now get to it, girlfriend...

    be well~

  8. Is there a class tonight? It is the first Wednesday of the month, so usualy Silent Unity service.

  9. When I’m faced with a situation that’s challenging, I stop, take a deep breath and go within to My Source. I usually look for the good in challenging situations and most times I find the good and that comforts me. As I look for the good, I remember that I have a choice as to how I view my life experiences and that my thoughts are shaping my experiences.

    There are times when I am not comforted right away and then I start to remember all the obstacles that I have overcome in my life – and there have been many. I get such joy when remember that the trees are taken care of in all seasons, the planets don’t seem to collide with one another and the birds have everything they need to survive and thrive. God is in charge!!

    Then there are times when looking for the good just doesn’t work for me and I delve into my pity party where I start to dwell on everything that’s going wrong. When I find myself there, I seek out my Truth Student friends to help me navigate those rough waters and bring me back to my center, to the truth that I know. I thank God for my friends that help me remember who I am and whose I am when I forget.

  10. Overwhelmed and full of saddness is what I feel when I watch my mother, the rock of our family, challenged with severe dementia. I ask God for compassion, love and healing and send Reiki. I know that God doesn't make mistakes, even though I'm unable to understand the reason for this or any situation. My inner strength is awakened through meditation and affirmation. The question about knowing when and what to let go of is truly a work in progress! Thank you God for Grace.

  11. I wanted to answer the question, how do I know when to hold on or let go. Recently, I have been in a few situations that I just had no idea what to do. I didnt have a solution at all. The only thing I feel I can do, is just sit back and wait for GOD to answer. As I wait for an answer I continue to pray and meditate more than ever and allow patience to be my best friend. So I know I have to let go, because I don't have the answers. For me being such a controling person, this has ben extremely hard, but I think that is the reason I am going through this. It is a lesson for me to learn. How to let go and trust.
