Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Loneliness: The way out

Greetings Precious Ones!

Wherever I go, there I am! This is usually thought of in terms of getting away from our limited or negative habits or perceptions. However, we can also use it as a reminder of the positive notion of being "with" yourself in a good way; enjoying your own company.

However the flip side to remember is that we are by nature also social beings. We need one another and can thrive in the company of others. We get to laugh, cry, and share the joys and sorrows of life. Others can help us to feel alive and connected!

The questions for today are:
. What habits are keeping you more isolated than you want to be?
. What sources of friendship or companionship could you develop?
. What is it that you would like to offer more freely to other people?
. How could you become an even better companion for yourself?
. How will you care for your spiritual needs on a regular basis?

Reach out and touch someone today. Make a connection!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Goodmorning and Happy Thanksgiving!

    A habit that often keeps me more isolated than I want to be is "piddling" (I once heard Rev. Sylvia share her joy of piddling). Yes, i'm a piddler around the house and I can really get lost in it for hours. I have every intention of getting out and about, however hours later, sun going down, and i'm still shuffling from room to room doing very little but loving it:) Thats the light side of my isolating, all too often I just don't have the energy to deal with people; nice people, fun people, it doesn't matter, I have gotten comfortable being with myself 90% of the time. I could become a better companion to myself by opening up my space to others more often, inviting people in to really get to know me. I am very protective of my privacy and resentful of intrusiveness, I really could lighten up a bit. My spirit is fed daily through meditation and spending time in nature where I have intimate conversations with the Universal Spirit.

    Kim Davis

  2. I am a very social being and my opportunity is making quality time for myself with myself. I could be a better companion for myself by creating more time to pamper me and speaking more loving thoughts about myself to myself. Sometimes I’m very hard on myself and I need to lighten up.

    As for caring for my spiritual needs, I’ve started meditating more and my goal is to be more consistent and to do daily meditations. I have regular daily conversations with God and we discuss everything -- I express my gratitude for my many blessings, observe the beauty around me in all forms of life, review the opportunities and challenges in my life and adjust where needed (when I’m not being stubborn), consciously raise my vibration to be in tune with Our Creator and all living things, read and absorb the spiritual truth materials I’ve selected, and LAUGH a lot!! Also, I surround myself with people who express joy and love and who bring out the joy in me – I am a loving, joyous creation of God!

  3. Constantly keeping projects going isolates me. I work from 9-5 then come home and work on things from 6-10 if I have the energy. Also people assume I'm at the top of social circles, when the truth is my phone hardly rings. I need to allow myself a few nights off during the week to have dinner or just visit with a friend. I need to be more proactive in making things happen if I don't get a call. I've also been more aware of my facial expressions. Sometimes what's on my mind can show on my face even if its an old memory. I need to remain approachable in order to attract the people I want in my life.

    I pray when I wake and before I go to bed. Sometimes I meditate in the mornings or before an important event. I try to stay connected to Spirit throughout the day and see everything from the Christ perspective.
