Friday, October 29, 2010

Challenge a Familiar Pattern

Ok, now the fun begins! We are asked to challenge a familiar pattern; something you do consistently and it does not serve you well.

I love the idea the author offers of "borrowing" a positive trait or a strength you have, to work through the pattern. Outline in detail what qualities you would need to more effectively handle your pattern or reaction. She says, "tell yourself I can react less defensively and more creatively and here's how I am going to do it."

So in addition to following the process outlined in the book, consider today's questions as well:
. What are some ways you have used to challenge a familiar pattern of behavior that you may have exhibited in the past?
. How did it work out?

Have a Freeing Day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Easy to ignore patterns because they often are old habits I accept. The best thing I can do is when confronted by that potentially explosive moment is to go inside quickly find peace, find God, connect and relax before I put energy out there or continue with the pattern. Emotional patterns and habits, wow, work for and against me. I choose to accept the ones that are in my best interest. Who's foolin' who? I need the power of the Devine to lead me, support me in getting away from my "stuff!" Blessings to all!! mb

  2. This reading hit home for me. I have been told recently of patterns I had not owned up to but once brought to my attention I start seeing it. As I read this today it came back to me. I decided to act on it right then and instead of being my old set in my ways self I submitted and did it the way the other wanted. The out come was nothing like I had imagined. I felt more open and excepted. The end result for all was gratifying.

  3. Oh I am really gonna work on this today. Like you Rev. Sylvia my voice has a power and an energy to it. I use my voice to make a living therefore I sometimes forget that I am not always teaching, training or preaching, sometimes I am the student, sometimes I need a lesson and sometimes I just need to be quiet and I don't need to "FIX" Another thing I find that the "power" of my voice can appear to be harsh to some and I think it is because I am not AS in touch with my feminine energy. I have been responsible for taking care of myself and others that I have lost a bit of the self that needs to be nurtured and taken care of. So that is what I am endeavoring to do to allow myself to be vulnerable and gentle to myself and those that I love and care about. WORK IN PROGRESS My my my...

  4. Yesterday’s lesson helped me recognize some patterns I had adopted. I couldn’t identify a behavior to “borrow” to affect a specific subconscious thought that I want to change. I did, however, create an affirmation that I expect to change those thoughts, the assumptions I had been making, and the results I had been getting. Bring it on!

  5. My pattern is always being on the defense. I tend to think I have to defend myself before the other person has even finished talking, or an action has taken place. This comes from a lifetime of feeling like I had to defend myself becasue no one else was going to do it. I finally have had to ask myself, what are you defening yourself from? Other people's actions? other people's words? Being on the defense all the time is no fun so I am letting it go especially since I have no clue anymore what I am defending myself from. :)

  6. My pattern has been afraid to say No. So that everyone would like me. I have just received an opportunity to address this issue. I was able to take myself out of the situation, without feeling guilty. I prayed to GOD and surrendered. GOD is teaching me how to know when to hold and know when to fold. And it's feels like a weight has been lifted from my sholders and I am at peace. I know longer feel I have to be in control of everything.

  7. The pattern of returning fire with fire whenever I felt slighted in actions or words by others had always been a struggle to overcome, (a hot temple). Mind you I said had, I no longer claim or give power to my none God-like reactions or behaviors. When I would address situations with fiery responses, right or wrong, I always felt worst after it was done. The guilt of having caused mental or emotional pain, by my responses to any given situation, took its toll on me. I realized that if I am feeling bad after handling a situation, it could not have been the best or correct way to have addressed the problem. My new approach has been to remember in any situation, big or small, quickly go within and call on my inner peace to overshadow me in dealing with such a test. In lightening speed, I'm able to analyze the situation and quietly say how would a Christ handle this situation? First, a Christ would recognize that the person or persons are also Divine Children, Christs. That instantly removes the anger and fire that boils inside of me when in such a predicament. I then see the whole incident in a much different light and conclude in a way that makes me proud. I handled the situation in a way that was becoming of a child of God. I have one close friend who knows how to push just the right buttons with me. This person usually push these buttons just to be entertained by my fiery reactions. Lately, I have used this new approach by quickly going into the silence and quietly saying to myself, NAMASTE'. Instantly, I see the situation for what it is and realize the game this person is playing. I get the greatest joy out of this ,because they do not know how to react to my none reaction. All the air is taken out of their game. This is the new pattern I now practice, its not always easy, but I know this is what the whole spiritual journey is about,taking spiritual control. I am especially thankful for my friend whose testing helps me to be stronger in my resolve to successfully address all of my worldly tests by using this same pattern.

  8. During a very dark period in my life, I felt and acted like a zombie. During the week, I barely remembered dressing for work, (although I am pretty sure I did) driving to work or productively engaging at work. I did not answer my phone and declined all invitations to social activities. On the weekends, forget about it, I was not seen nor heard from until Monday. After several weeks of this behavior, I committed to return to life. I did not know where or how to start. Typical of me I made a chart and I established minor goals which were relatively easy to achieve. My minor goals were to simply say, “thank you God for this day” and read the affirmation in the Unity Sunday bulletin. I did that for nearly a month. I started to feel alive again. Successes, even minor ones, provided me the motivation to set and achieve intermediate and my ultimate goal. With God’s grace and mercy, I used a step-by-step process to re-invigorate and heal myself.
    It is like the jokes says, how do you eat an elephant or heal yourself? One bite at a time and one step at a time.

  9. Changing a pattern within me and by me starts with setting my intentions as I allow God to renew the right spirit in me.

    Letting go of the unneeded stuff is my ongoing work and I just keep moving, grateful with every step...towards victory to overcome patterns of behavior that no longer (or never did) serve me well.

    be well-
