Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You are responsible for your own happiness

Greetings Beloved Ones!

Are you having fun yet!? Well if not, it is up to you! You are the source of your own happiness. We all know this but yet we at times find ourselves expecting others to make us happy, or we simply get upset if they don't.

Here is your action step: Take back your expectations! When you do, you empower yourself; you determine what kind of life you will live and how you will feel in any situation..

The questions for today are;
. Do you have any expectations of others? Look deep.
. How do you react when others treat you unfairly?
. What fear do you want to release?

Have an awakened day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Oh boy this one I know to be true and with my life experience I realize that it is all about me when it comes to being happy. This has been a tough lesson but a valuable lesson and I am happy that I can now choose to be happy rather than in someone elses drama What I am continuing to work on is not reacting to what I consider to be unfair treatment I am strong enough in who I am to dismiss negative opinions aimed towards me What I endeavor to do is not to draw them to me in the first place.

  2. Oh oh oh! Sometimes I really do expect the world to be a fair place and for others to always do what is right. Boy am i disappointed when that doesn't happen. I have to be more diligent in reminding myself that people are people and they are going to do whatever it is they do. My job is to remember that my reactions are my choices, my perceptions are my perceptions and I would be served well if I checked them at the door of my consciousness!

  3. I do have expectations of best friends to accept and embrace me as I am, even on those days when I withdraw to myself. I expect them to remind me of my power to change my thoughts and behavior when I go too far from center or remain in the soup too long. When others treat my unfairly, forgiveness is not the first thing that comes to mind. I do think to myself that they will look stupid when the truth comes out. Still working on the fear of lack of abundance. It comes to front and center when I do the monthly bills and when I begin to worry about what lies ahead.

  4. I have expectations of my friends to tell me the truth and hold the mirror of truth in front of me so that I can see the real deal. It is refreshing when that happens and also a bit shocking. When I treated unfairly, the human side want to get in front of them and make my point. No drama, just a well-worded, calm but pointed statement. Like Norma I have to forgive because they are most likely doing the best they can. Like Rev Charlotte, I dont think I draw that energy to me that often. I'd like to release the fear of my bruised ego. Its what drives me to want to be right.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yes, I have expectations of others believing that everyone have integrity and are professional individuals but this doesn’t happen often. Then I have to become conscious and reminded myself their truths are not my truths. When treated unfairly I wonder how that person sleeps at night knowing that they wrong me or anyone else. In terms of fear I am releasing the fear of not having consistent and stable income and I am affirming that God should supply all my needs

  7. I really love todays lesson. Taking responsibility for my own happiness is something that I have understood intellectually for a long time but was challenged at the soul level.Recently I really have allowed challenges to knock me back a bit. Until January of this year I had been living in central Virginia for about 11 years. I moved back here in January to take a job in a DC Public Charter School and by June the school closed. I have been without a regular paycheck since June of this year. There have been other challenges in my life as well. This brought full circle, how easily I fall into a lack thinking and I was miserable. The daily work that I have been doing based on Rev Sylvia's amazing 2012 Life Mastery course has opened up that part of my life for healing and the breakthrough has been awesome. Today, right here right now, I choose joy, peace, confidence, hope, and trust in the Divine energy of the Universe. During my meditation this morning in the silence, I kept feeling a smile coming to my face and I wasn't physically controling it, a deep peace came over me. Today for first time since being unemployed, I got a very promising call about a job. I believe the Universe was just giving me a sign that I had turned the corner, whether I get this job or not is not important, what is important is that I chose happiness. I had to comeback to what I know to be true from my very soul and that is, as the lesson said today, others can affect my happiness, but no one but me can make me happy.

    Now to answer the questions about my expectations of others and how I react when I think others have treated me unfairly. I have been working on judgement of others for quite a while in my life and have become, I think, a very non-judgemental person. This is not to say that it does not show its ugly little face sometimes, but nowhere as often. I find that when you work on non-judgement it greatly reduces your expectations of others and forces you to always challenge yourself to see each situation in more than one way, this also lessens your need to take everything so personally. It just goes to show you it's always something, Even though I have been quick to embrace lack thinking, I have truly put a dent in my need to judge. Life is Good.

    Be Blessed
    Rev Pat

  8. Ahhhh, this is another opportunity for me to do some work!

    So let me examine a key part of today's lesson:

    "You are the source of your own happiness. We all know this but yet we at times find ourselves expecting others to make us happy, or we simply get upset if they don't"

    It is imperative that I remember the Truth - that I AM responsible for choosing happiness, even (and especially) when I hold onto expectations that others and/or outer experiences are responsibile for my ability/inability to choose happiness.

    Time to stop getting upset and to turn my need to be "upset" into a pro-active plan:

    -Be ye transformed by the renewing of my mind
    -Set the right expectation within my consciousness - that no one can treat me unfairly if/when I understand (and remember) that (1) what manifests in the Universe helps to teach me some of the most valuable life lessons (2) my Good is Absolute and comes from Spirit and (3) there is no basis of truth in my being fearful.

    be well~

  9. Taking charge of my happiness right now is a major challenge. I just lost my mother last week and while I know she is free of the limitations of her body, I still feel grief. My world feels profoundly shaken and yet I know she would want me to remember the best of times, the laughter and many many good moments. When I remember I have good moments and then I feel a profound loss and then the challenging moments flood me. I'm trying to be gentle with me.

    As for when someone treats me unfairly, I get upset initially, and then a calm floods me because I can draw on so many examples of when Karma took care of the situation and I didn't have to fret about it. None of us escapes the misdeeds we do, unless we are humble enough to seek forgiveness and make amends. So I can easily let things go now it isn't mine to handle.

    The fear I want to release is that Source won't provide all that I need to live comfortably and care for myself as I follow Its Divine direction for my life. I have to many examples to doubt this wisdom yet I do.

  10. I don’t even have to dig deep…

    I repeatedly expect others to have my same standards, although I know that’s impossible. When will I learn???

    I have no problem acting decisively on my own behalf if someone doesn’t treat me as I expect. Unfortunately, in a personal relationship those actions are misinterpreted to mean “I don’t need you,” rather than, “I won’t let you steal my joy.” Sometimes people just don’t understand what you need from them.

    Nevertheless - I AM Happy!

  11. I grew up with high expectations of others. The first scripture I was taught to recite was Matthew 7:12 “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Growing up there was no situation or occasion this scripture did not apply. I believed if I treated others with respect, loyalty and love, I would get the same in return. I soon discovered not everyone learned and/or practiced this scripture. As an adult, I expect my inner circle to hold true to their word, be loving, straightforward and forgiving. Sometimes I my expectations are met with bitter disappointment and other times they are fully realized.
    When I believe others treat me unfairly, initially I withdraw physically and emotionally from that person or situation. Then I remind myself, I have options on how to address the matter. I analyze the situation to determine if I, willing or unwillingly, played a part in how I was treated. I write about the situation that forces me to organize my thoughts and feelings which gives me clarity that talking does not. Even when I have been treated unfairly, again I still have choices whether to confront/forgive, release/forgive or be angry and work toward forgiveness. I know I must forgive. Forgiveness is easier when I heed the message Rev. Sylvia gave recently. She said if we remove the phase “to me" from the situation/sentence, it lessens the emotional impact. I tried it. It works. I want to release all unproductive fear. There is no fear in love; but perfect love cast out fear…”
    Do unto others.

  12. I do expect others to treat me as I treat them. When that expectation is not realized, I have an opportunity to communicate what I want or release it. Sometimes I get a little frustrated or disappointed when my close friends or colleagues don't treat me as I treat them, but then I stop to realize that we're all different and this may be an opportunity for more clarity and increased communication. What usually happens is that our relationships are strengthened because we have a chance to dialogue about what's really important to us and how we move forward.

    My greatest concern that I want to release is that I will be taken advantage of because I'm very easy-going and my kindness can be mis-interpreted for weakness. I'm not really sure how to do this, I just know it's a feeling I have to address.

  13. I can definitely relate to many of the comments above, especially Rev. Sylvia, N-Jean-Yus and Cynthia. I too expect people to act the way I would and do as I would do in every situation and of course I'm repeatedly disappointed because they're not me! I know I'm not perfect either so expecting people to act as I would doesn't even make any sense the more I think about it. I guess I was brought up to believe there were objective standards or right and wrong and how to behave appropriately. But, now it seems all the black and white has turned to gray. I know I cannot judge others' actions, but I can at least question them and, like Cynthia said, open up a dialogue to understand why they did what they did, what they were thinking and feeling when they did it (were they even thinking about what they were doing?)... So why am I still disappointed, hurt, angry or depressed when I don't get the response or action that I expect, especially from a loved one? I guess it's just a hard habit to break! At least now I'm aware of it and I know I need to be focusing more on what the book says -- "a positive attitude to life... life itself."

    I also agree with Cynthia about the risk of being taken advantage of, or perhaps taken for granted. Will releasing the expectation of people making us happy open us up to people abusing our good nature or happy disposition? The book says it is fair to expect others to treat us well, and we should "act decisively" on our own behalf when they don't. But where do we draw the line? If we release them from making us happy, it seems harder to know when we are justified in acting "decisively" because they are not treating us "well." Are they really not treating us well, or is it our own (unreasonable?) expectations that are the real issue?
