Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Stranger to Yourself

Greetings Beloved One, and Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you spend some of the day with family or friends, but if not, then enjoy and be thankful for the time to be "with" yourself!

We live in a world that is so fast paced and filled to the brim with daily activities that we often lose our connection with our selves; we become as the author states, "a stranger to ourselves". When we feel drained and our well has run dry, it is hard to feel the aliveness of life and spirit. No doubt this can lead us to feelings of emptiness, detachment,
loneliness, and a sense of alienation from ourselves.

We must take care of ourselves! We are all we have and we are truly worth it! So......

The questions for today are:
. What do I need right now for my heart and soul?
. What am I neglecting?
. What outer changes do I need to make that will be beneficial for my soul's growth?

Being thankful for you!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to you, Reverend S!

    Let me begin by saying to the Universe that I am thankful and grateful for every breath taken as I am the beneficiary of a loving, generous and on-time God.

    The ability to start each day with prayer is what allows my heart and soul to 'feel' God's presence, which creates an inner prompting to make the changes needed moment by moment.

    May the Lord continue to use me and the Light within me for GOOD.

    For these and so many other reasons, I am grateful.

    Love to my family and friends~


  2. For me, Thanksgiving begins with the Holy Communion service at Unity. I consider it a time of renewal of the commitment for service that I made at inner levels before my present embodiment. My heart and soul feel recharged as I allow the Holy Spirit to enfold me and fill me to the very core of my being with love and peace. This feeling is sustained each time I pray and meditate. The more I focus on maintaining my inner sanctuary, the easier it is for me to show up as a light bearer and be a blessing to those who come within my sphere of influence. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you Rev. Sylvia and the entire Unity family. I have been unemployed for the last 6 months or so and the blessing is that I have more time to focus on my inner self. The practice of daily meditation, journaling, reading the lessons, have been an amazing gift for my life. Rev. Sylvia, I thank you for bringing this process to our us.

    From my perspective this daily inner work, allows me to vividly see whats right with me. I have to admit that while I spent some time patting myself on the back, I spent far too much time focusing on the flaws.However, in this moment, right here right now, I'm happy and at ease and have much to be thankful for.
    My family and friends (old and new) are such a great blessing in my life. I love you all and wish you a great day of Thanksgiving.

    Life is Good
    Rev. Pat

  4. Happy Thanksgiving. May gratitude renew our spirits. Purpose and motivation in my moments of solitude is what I feel my heart and soul needs. Loneliness has not been an issue for me for some time now. I am challenged by the negative chatter that arises sometimes when I am alone. I think prayer and meditation will benefit my heart and soul. I pray before each meal and focus on God on the subway on my way to work (when I get a seat...and when I am not putting on my victim drag.) I know this is not enough. I don't know why I resist the quite, meditative space that beckons me each day.

  5. Blessed Thanksgivings to my Unity family.
    Right now as always, I need to be still, listen and obey – God’s directions. My prayer is like one of our opening songs, that God will use my mind, hands and my life for His service. As I spend time reading the Word daily, mediating and life mastery, I am sure there are things that I am neglecting. However, what I am giving my attention to is far more beneficial. The outer changes which will be beneficial to my soul’s grow are commune with others on a similar journey, discipline my mind to higher thoughts and look for the some good in all situations.

  6. Today's lesson is something I've always had trouble learning -- taking care of myself. Growing up as a Catholic Christian, I was taught to put myself last and always put other's needs before my own. At some point you realize that if you don't take care of yourself first, you're in no position to help others. It's still not easy for me to do and requires a lot of discipline for me to focus on my own needs, meditate and pray, in order to be stronger to help others and not get side-tracked by feelings.
