Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Choice is yours

Greetings Beloved Ones!

Ok, this is something that we all know to be true; it is a well known and common thought in new thought circles and that is: The Choice is Yours!

everything is a choice but the challenge is that we are not always conscious of that when we are making them; or we are habitual in our responses.

What if we developed the habit of saying at every
opportunity, "This is a choice I am making"! If we could some how consciously claim it I believe we would stand a better chance of waking up. Let this be your action step for today: Affirm repeatedly throughout the day, "This is a Choice I am making"!

The questions for the day are:
. How can you live your life with greater trust and confidence?
. How do you take responsibility for your own happiness?
. What is your current state of life telling you about the choices you have made?

Choose to make it a great day!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. I decide to do a see meditation today and put choice in the middle of my paper and write associations of the state of minds I want to choose to live my life with. I came up with the following: happiness, security, fearless, faithful, inner peace, accepting of change, positivity,and optimism.

  2. One of the lessons that has resonated for me from a Course in Miracles is, life is about choices. It stands to reason then that happiness is also a choice. My challenge is to trust that the Universe is working on my behalf for my highest good. I have been evaluating the people, places and things that help me to actualize my happiness. I am making a choice to surround myself with more of that kind of positive, uplifting energy, rather than waste my time on the things that I perceive as stealing my joy.

    I must admit, I have been blessed. I am doing what I love for a living. I always have been able to do the things I love for a living. But in my interpersonal relationships, well, let me just say that there is a lot of room for growth and self discovery in that arena. I have had many challenging professional and personal relationships. I'm taking a long, hard look at the role I've played in the relationship for I know the ONLY person I can change is me. I am willing to make that change. And so the journey to true happiness continues.

  3. I started my day by meditating, I am still working on how to guite my mind. As I do this I continue to realize that I have a choice in all matters. However, I do not like to make decision without conversing with God first. I choose to live my life in love, community, peace,forgiveness and appreciation. The more I pray the more I live my life with confidence that God is in control and everything will work out in divine order and good for all. I feel myself getting more stronger each day. These self mastery lesson are good for my soul. My current state of life tell me I am moving in the right direction. And that is toward GOD.

    Brenda C

  4. I live my life with greater confidence and trust by recognizing that the God of my Being is the most important force in my life. My life begins and ends with my love for him. My daily time of meditation is to seek to know and follow his will for me. Since I have free will, I can choose not to listen to his inner voice and guidance; and make choices that will eventually bring results that manifest hardship and unhappiness. This is when I have willfully separated myself from God in my conscious mind.

    "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." I know that my life situation as it is today is by my own creation, my own choices. I cannot blame any person, thing or event for my life situation. I and I alone am completely responsible for the life I have before me. I believe that the thoughts we hold in our minds, out manifest into our outer world. That applies to personal as well as impersonal relationships and situations. Just as I have created my life as it is today, I and I alone have the power to change my life into what I desire. I believe that everything we want is not necessary good for us. That is why it becomes ever so important to turn within and loudly say, "Lord let thy will be done unto me".

    When I listen and not allow myself to be distracted by the outside world, those things and lessons I most need, manifest at just the right time and place. The key is to submit, listen, trust and follow the guidance that comes from the God within. Practice, Practice and more practice of listening and following God's will, will eventually manifest into happiness.

    Patience, trust and submission is my path to happiness.


  5. What my life is telling me isn't a very happy story. Im working on tearing down all the old walls and doing the work on planning to rebuild. While I have had some noticeable and remarkable milestone of success, I am perplexed at why I dont have the life that I want. I am finding out the choices I've made have been at the expense of my Heart's desire but perfectly what my pride and ego ordered. I've got so much work to do and the time keeps ticking. So I'm taking back my happiness, becoming less unconscious, checking the ego more, and practicing riding the tide.

  6. I can live my life with greater trust and confidence by being more accepting of and loving to the good and shadowy parts of my nature. Accepting that fundamentally,(I am working to become my higher self) I am good enough. My trust and confidence increases as I exercise the fullness of my faith. For me that means, I do not have to know every turn on the journey or the “how” for every solution. I have to take one step and trust God. I must step even (especially) when I cannot see the road. What strengthens my confidence is my remembrance of what God has already done in my life. I take responsibility for my happiness first by knowing that the source of my happiness is internal and not external. I look for something good in every situation no matter how well she may hide herself. I take responsibility for my happiness by resolving inner and outer conflicts quickly rather than letting them linger and morph into anger, misery or worse. My happiness comes from knowing that I am forgiving and forgiven. My life is saying, “honor and cherish your lessons learned most were purchase with a piece of your soul but do not let your past direct your future. Live your best life NOW. Live in the now moment it is all you have."
