Monday, October 25, 2010

No one knows you better than you know yourself

Greetings Awakened Ones!

Well it seems we are circling back again to ourselves to take a look once again.

I love the truth that no one knows us better than we know ourselves. Yet haven't we also adopted some of the opinions and assessments of others? We may have done it so much that we no longer trust our own knowledge of who we really are.

Now is the time to take back our identity and values!

The questions for the day are:
. What do you know about yourself that few people know (keep it positive) :)
. What are your special talents?
. What are your core values?

Action Step: write a positive affirmation about yourself and state it throughout the day.

Love and Light,
Rev. Sylvia


  1. This is a truth that I have always known. In fact, I have stated it to other people many times.

    I know that I may sometimes give off a hard or gruff exterior. However inside, I am as gentle as a lamb, eager to please and listen to anybody's whoes, and offer assistance. Witnessing certain random acts of kindness and the return of gratitude can often bring up very strong emotions in me. Very few, if anyone knows this about me. I have the gift/talent of empathy. I can feel the despair or joy of those around me almost as strongly as they do. I have come to appreciate this as a sign that, I AM ALIVE. My core values are to share honesty, respect, and kindness. Im beginning to take a real likeing to me!

  2. My special talents and gifts include the ability to listen without judgment, find the good and joy in most things, identify the key points especially in the midst of confusion, see the big picture and plan strategically, work with groups of people to achieve a goal, and express love as a way of being in most things that I do.

    The affirmation that I crafted 2 months ago and repeat daily is, “I AM a healthy, loving, prosperous and enthusiastic expression of God BEING an open, responsible and vulnerable leader.”
    This affirmation embraces my core values and my beliefs. In the words of Esther Hicks, “a belief is a thought that you keep thinking.”

  3. I may not be answering today's questions, but feel compelled to comment as follows:

    I pay attention to what I know about myself from my experiences and feelings, as well as to what I know - without knowing how. During the times when I don’t immediately trust what I know, I have to remind myself to access my higher consciousness for guidance. When that guidance is recognized, I proceed. I am learning to do that with less hesitation and greater faith. Thank God.

    4T Prosperity Training resulted in a lo-o-ong Personal Statement, which is my daily affirmation. It includes:
    I express God’s good and recognize God’s good in others.
    I fear nothing! I know peace!

  4. I am a teacher at heart and love to laugh.
    My special talents is listening and encouraging others.
    My core values honesty, non-judgment, and to keep Christ conscious.

    I am lovable person with a Christ conscious mind.

  5. Most people don't know about my adaptability. It doesn't take me long to get used to a change--often kicking and screaming, but nonetheless, I'll go with the flow and do what I gotta' do. Also, I'm conscious to give people respect, even if I don't get it. When I don't receive it, I respectfully remove myself from that situation.

    I have been blessed with Creative talents; visual arts and writing. I try to use them to educate, enlighten and enhance other's spirits.

    My core values have always been do the right thing; the thing that leads to the greater good.

    A mantra I used during a challenging time in my life is what I call SHAC: "I'm Stong, I'm Healthy, Attractive and I'm Confident!" I still use it today.

  6. What I know about myself is that I am a Christ awakening each and everyday to the knowledge that I am a Divine son of God THE FATHER, THE CREATOR. Its how I feel, come hell or high water, no one can move me from this TRUTH. It might come across as spiritual arrogance, but its not, it how I truly FEEL. My special talents are inner spiritual attributes that are best not spoken but demonstrated when prompted from within, in service to my fellow humanity , as I go about my everyday journey. My core values are compassion and concern for the well being of the plants, animals and all of humanity; and seeing the Christ in all of them. My daily affirmation is one that comes from the dept of my spirit, and it is: I AM THAT I AM. This affirmation brings me great joy and happiness regardless of what is going on in the outside world. It keeps me grounded and conscious of my Christ Self. Its what I FEEL.

  7. FYI -- If you do not have the book, or just want to access it directly on your computer during the day, the full text is on line at:

  8. While I know today's lesson is true, I find that I resist believing it in some ways because I believe there is always more to learn, that others may have different or just more life experiences than I have and I am cognizant of the fact that I do not know everything. One thing I really dislike is a person who acts as if he or she knows everything about everything. So, I shy away from believing that I know it all, even when it comes to myself. I do seek the guidance of trusted long-term friends who know me well, and other professionals (spiritual advisers, counselors or people whose judgment I respect). I guess ultimately I listen to their opinions but then come back within myself to make my own decisions. So, in a round-about way, I do acknowledge that I know myself better than anyone else. As the book says, "Valuing what you know, you shift your center of gravity from outside yourself to inside yourself where it belongs." Still, I have work to do.

  9. In my heart I know that I know myself better than anyone else, however sometimes I seek the opinions of those I trust. Most people see me as a quite person, but I love to party and have a good time. My husband of 33 years. He thinks I'm bossy. However I know that I am a caring, loving and giving person. My special talents are my interst in numbers (That's probably why I am an Accountant). I even love Numberology. My core values are God first, honesty, trust, commitment, and unconditional love.

  10. Most people do not know I have a have sharp comic wit and keen sense of humor. I have been the comic relief at numerous social events. My special talents are serving others, generating ideas and/or putting a new spin on existing ideas, entertaining and mass communications. My core values are: 1) honoring that God is all there is; 2) honoring myself by striving to be and do my best. I set high personal and professional expectations. Sometimes whenever I fall short, I am not very compassionate with myself. I am working to change this detrimental behavior; 3) respecting the divergent values and opinions of others; and 4) having a positive affirmation to refute my error thoughts.

  11. Ain't that the truth. The question I have is how much do I really know myself? I think that I have a great image of what I think I am but I also know that I can create a false sense of who I think I am. What I am endeavoring to do is to call myself out when I think I know what I don't know and allow myself to be OK with not knowing The seed word I used for this lesson was tolerance and I chose this word because I tend to be harder on myself when I don't know something and I believe that that came from my father's intolerance. The good news is now that I know :-) I am responsive instead of reactive and that feels a lot better.
