Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Good Morning Beloved Ones!

This is the first day of our course on "Life Mastery - Preparing for 2012". We are working with the book "Choosing Happiness". You will be able to purchase the book in class tonight.

With all of the dire predictions and the doom and gloom surrounding 2012, what positive approach can we adopt for ourselves? What is it that we can do to help ourselves awaken and be more spiritually conscious? We might as well be happy!

True happiness is not existing in LaLa Land, it is finding that inner realm of Peace, Joy, connectedness with others and life in general.

So our questions for today are:
.How do you know when you are happy?
.Close your eyes for a moment, think of a time when you were happy - how did it make you feel mentally, physically, emotionally?
.If you were just given a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do towards enhancing your happiness?

Remember, the theme for today is, "Trust yourself as a source of happiness"
Looking forward to hearing your answers. Don't forget to Blog with me!

See you in class tonight


  1. Happiness to me is an inside job. It's a peaceful, calm feeling that grounds me. Happiness is a way of life when I remember who I am and Whose I am. Just that thought alone brings me a deep sense of well-being, comfort and a knowing-ness that everything is in Divine Order and I am One with My Creator. My opportunity is to CONSISTENTLY remember My Source, My Divine Connection and my purpose in all that I do -- as I remember and live that, I am peaceful and happy. Money can bring short-lived happiness but this KNOWING-NESS that's to my core brings me long-lasting peace, joy and happiness.

  2. This class comes at a critical time in my life. I feel a change coming over me and I choose happiness.

  3. I look forward to the Life Mastery class. As my Spiritual Journey continues, I feel this class will help advance my next level of greatness. Thank you, Rev. Sylvia!

  4. The messages I receive daily about what brings happiness are all external things (money, romance, loved ones, success, stature among friends and others) which contradicts my inward knowingness that its really a quiet, loving, inner feeling. The struggle is to remember my own inner knowingness when challenges come and knock me from that place of internal stability and peace. Thanks Rev. Sylvia for this course which begins on my birthday - a gift that I'm sure will keep on giving!!

  5. I agree with Danielle. CHANGE is in the air for me and I feel more empowered to CHOOSE happiness. It seems basic and obvious, but I never really thought seriously about the connection between the choices we make and our happiness. Rather than letting life dictate our moods, we can focus on all the possibilities and opportunities life presents and choose the ones that are right for us with confidence. I'm reminded of the "confidence" song in The Sound of Music... "I have confidence in sunshine, I have confidence in rain, I have confidence that spring will come again! Besides which you see I have confidence in me!" :)
