Monday, October 18, 2010

Your Life is Your Message

Greetings Friends,

What a great day this is! It is the first day of the rest of your life! How will you live your life today? Consciously or on auto pilot? Remember, every thought, every choice, every action becomes a part of who you are; how you are showing up in the world. And the great part is, we can have a say in the direction of our lives.

So the Questions for the day are:
. What is your life saying about you? What is the message people will glean from how you are showing up?
. How are you guiding yourself to what is possible for your life?
. How are you affecting and influencing the environment around you?

Remember to journal daily as it will begin the allow your superconscious and subconscious mind to reveal the deeper musings of your mind!

Let's talk....and Wake Up!!!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. My life tells me that I am doing great but I could be doing better. I am guiding myself to what is possible by challenging myself to reach higher and stretch wider (by taking this class) and expanding my expectation for myself and for my life. I am showing up in my environment by being a "Positive" example to those I encounter and catching myself when I am feel myself becoming agitated by my and other judgmental behavior.

  2. My life is saying to me that all things are in Divine Order. When the time is right, all things manifest for my highest good. I must be patient and wait on the Lord. I hope others will gleam from my life and activities that I am a Son of God working to be ever more conscious of my Divinity. This is what it is for me; I can't control people's perceptions or thoughts about me. I can only control my focus on the God within; and know that that light within me will shine brightly for all who have eyes to see, will see and feel my light. As always, there is only one way to guide myself to what is possible for me, this is by daily and constantly turning within to the God of my Being (Meditation). These contacts will guide and direct me to people,books,places and things that will awaken and assist me to my highest purpose. I am affecting and influencing the environment around me by making a conscious effort to see the God in all things.

  3. My life is telling me that this class did not come a minute to soon, because I have a lot of inner work to do. I am facing challenges in every aspect of my life and I still find myself going to fear often. However, I know that I'll wake up fully to my own power and strenght consistently, because I am committed to this as a life goal. I'm also learning to practice what I preach and that's to open up to the many ways you can respond or understand challenges in your life. This is one of the ways that I'm guiding myself toward what is possible in my life. I believe that each day that I devote to meditatation, prayer, and other ways of expressing my quest toward full consciousness will directly influence the environment for the Greatest and Highest Good.

  4. My life is the out-picturing of what I'm thinking, being and believing. Sometimes that is expressed through Divine ideas, thoughts and actions. Sometimes that is expressed through lower consciousness beliefs and actions. Either one, my life is my message and what I want is to have a consistent message about who I am and Whose I am. One thing is consistent though, I guide myself to what's possible in my life by continually communicating with My Creator daily and by talking about what's on my heart, asking for guidance, being awake to the prayers answered and messages given, meditating and being still to hear and feel the wisdom and direction, looking for the good in situations and knowing that there is Divine Order and we are all a part of the flow of life. When I forget all this, I operate on a different frequency that doesn't raise my vibration nor the vibration of the environment surrounding me.

  5. I feel that my life is unfolding as God have designed for me. I will continue to be an instrument to do good. Each day I feel I am growing more spiritually. I still struggle with staying focused while meditating on my word for the day. However, when I start journaling new thought and words seem to fill up the page. I am so greatful to have the opportunity to take this class. I intend to be a light Bringer to all who cross my path.

  6. I feel like I'm learning to live more in the moment and consciously, rather than on autopilot, and it is a good feeling to trust myself and God more! I love the awareness of being able to change my world through my choices. It's empowering and freeing.

  7. Looking back on where I've been and where I am now, I am showing up very well now in spite of myself. I take this reflective approach because it validates my obedience to Devine Order. My spiritual development over the past couple of years has been phenominal. It didn't happen because of some catastrophic event in my life. The Spirit simply said, "It's time".

    I still have quite a lot of work to do and I stay in prayer for guidance. My meditation habits aren't the best they could be, but getting better. It's very difficult sometimes, because I have dwelled in my ego for most of my life.

    Currently, only the people that are close to me are affected by my being on a consistant basis. Occasional, I have influenced the environment around me as it pertains to total strangers through spontaneous and random acts. This will become more cinsistant as I begin to master my life.

  8. My life is saying, “great you are no longer on auto-pilot – now what?” I am saying, I am determined to live by design and not by default. This is my life’s work. I guide myself by simply affirming God’s perfect will for my life and taking action. I vigilantly monitor my words and thoughts. I correct error messages sent by others and myself about who I truly am. I have two simple denials “I do not receive that” or “that is not who I am”. Depending upon the situation, I may verbally articulate my denial but I always say it in my spirit. I am sending the message, God is the center of my life and I am a loving and forgiving spirit.
    I influence my environment by sharing encouraging affirmations (usually from the Sunday bulletin) and being a willing prayer partner with several friends.

  9. Since becoming a Truth Student, my life has been unfolding more deliberately, and tells me that I have an new understanding of what Is. I have many opportunities daily to fall into the negativity around me. I try my best to stay positive when in less than perfect situations, but every now and then I slip into old ways. Thankfully I wake up and realize my highest good. My positive attitude guides me to the Good the Creator wants for us all, and affects how people view and deal with me. They may not know what to call it, but they see my the emerging Christ in me.
