Friday, October 22, 2010

What will you find?

Greetings Awakened Ones!

Yes, we have armed upon the journey of self knowledge and yes it can be a bit challenging; especially if you really do the work and look deeply.

The reason that you have been asked to journal daily is to allow the subconscious mind to bring out your deepest thoughts, insights, desires, and dreams.

Do not be afraid to see yourself! All of us have the full range of human potential and human flaws, the key is to shed light upon them so that you can consciously choose which ones serve you best. This is Life Mastery!

The questions for today are:
. What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you accomplish that dream?

. What will you regret not doing in your life if you continue as you are now?

. What is your legacy?

Remember your strengths and your passions and put forth the effort to develop them, embrace them and keep them in your heart; they will give you life!

Shine On!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. When I was a little boy all I wanted was to be a cartoonist. I loved to draw and was blessed with wonderful parents who supported that dream and sent me to art school. I majored in cartoon illustration, but couldn't get steady work on the East coast. I did not want to be far from my family so I became a graphic designer and freelanced as an illustrator. As the years went on my dreams evolved and I have been blessed to have a career in the creative arts, so no regrets (during hard times I've regretted not majoring in something more "practical"). My legacy is to express God's Divine Idea of Beauty through visual mediums and with Spirit guiding me, I am doing just that. The Miracle is manifesting! Thank you, God!

  2. What a great question. I wanted to be a singer when I was little Like Diana Ross. I was told that a I had a really great voice but my grandmother felt a lot different Back in those days good girls only did certain things and singing in a club was not one of them. However I did find my voice through my Ministry and I believe my speaking is probably a lot better than my singing. I do wonder what might have happened if I had been given permission to pursue that dream. If I don't go full tilt right now I believe that my biggest regret will be that I didn't complete the mission that GOD sent me here to do. At the end of the day I want my legacy to be that I gave all I had to give to be a great representative for GOD'S love and light on earth as it is IN heaven.

  3. During the last thread, a few Unity family members expressed that blogging and journaling early morning was not working so well for them. I find the contrary to be true. Journaling and blogging, and meditating in the A.M. sets the tone of my thoughts; therefore my mood, for the rest of the day and allows me to stay spiritually focused. I have committed to this regiment.

    As for the reading, this is a fairly easy one for me. I feel I have always known my faults, fears, strengths, passions, qualities, and so on. I may not have always acted to improve or develop these traits, but I have been keenly aware of them and accepting of them. I have always just accepted that , "I am who I am". This will perhaps be the very first time I have actually focused on manipulating how I show up in the world. It's a huge undertaking, but I am learning to apply some critical thinking and evaluation to my many facets. Growing up, I really never had a clear idea of what I wanted to be, but "life" led me to a fruitful carreer that I would not have chosen for myself. If I were to continue living in my egos fear, I will regret not starting a business. My legacy is my Light...all the people I have helped, random acts of kindness, my love and affection, my empathy and concern and the lessons I have tought others.

    I am intrigued and looking forward to this part of my journey to brighten my light and make me free.

  4. When I was little, I wanted to be a business man (like my Dad) and be on stage. I wanted to act, sing and dance. I wanted to connected with people. I wanted to go to a performing arts high school (which was my mothers idea) and leave home. But as soon as she wished it for me, she also planted the seeds of fear. My Dad said "the world is your oyster, swallow it whole." So I "danced" a fine line between the two worlds. My Dad pushed me to follow my dreams and mom wanted me to go into military and do something safe. (This was one of the first times I called her crazy and got slapped) So in hindsight I've been able to do both... acting, singing and dancing in addition to a career in banking and telecom. Today, I take both of those skills and perform my art whereever I go. I don't regret much, though I wonder what my life in New York would have been like. I guess there's still time to find out???

    My Legacy... spinning straw into gold - just as God has directed.

  5. I was about 10 or 11 years old when I announced that I wanted to be an evangelist. I wanted to be just like my Sunday School teacher who had the greatest influence on me at that time. My mother was not pleased. In college I decided to take the science route and become a bacteriologist. Then I pursued social service. I feel that I realized my original dream when I became an ordained interfaith minister. I continue to grow spiritually and I now realize that my professional and spiritual life are one in the same. My regret is not realizing my other dream to be at the peak of the pyramid in my profession and making 6 figures. Probably too fearful to take the ‘leap off the mountain’, so I settled for a safer route. Still creating my legacy. I would like for people to think of me as providing words of healing, encouragement and perhaps a gentle push when they were must needed.

  6. I am going to stray from the path of responding to the questions. Instead I am inspired to share my morning thoughts that are still unfolding at this moment.

    Well, I have been matched with the beautiful Ann as my Truth In Action Partner. Ever since I met her, during Unity's Fall Retreat, I have been drawn to her. I think because I love the name Anne (with an e). Anne is my middle name and I tend to identify with it more than my given first name. I sometimes ask people to call me Anne instead of Heather. Anyway, this morning I plugged into my Blackberry calendar that I have a daily morning meeting with Ann. In doing this in some ways I was not only scheduling a daily meeting with my Partner but also with myself. I thought, "well I guess this is the whole purpose of this process, to schedule time with me".

    So the time came for me to call my Partner but she did not answer. Instead I got the message, "I will call you back later". I thought to myself, how many times I have given Anne (the me Anne) that same message. I will get to you later. Later I will take that dance class, later I will take riding lessons, later I will eat breakfast. With this realization, I decided that I would think about this more...later. Well, a little while later when Ann did call me, I was too busy to take the call. Very shortly afterwards, I lost my Blackberry. My first reaction was great stress. I thought now I can't call Ann; I have symbolically lost me. Worse was my feelings that my whole world was gone. Truly my whole life is in that Blackberry; all of my friends, all of my scheduled plans, all of my secret codes, etc. I am in connection with my Blackberry 24 hours a day. But then it hit me, no I am still here. With the loss of my Blackberry, is the loss of the external distractions that keep me from meeting with Anne in the now. So now it is just me; me and Anne. The universe has conspired to make me keep my commitment to meet daily with Anne/Ann. So, here I am talking to you and waiting for her to go away.

  7. Greetings everyone! What wonderful responses thus far. Heather thank you for sharing your insights! I know that nothing is lost in Spirit including all the
    Ann/e's and your blackberry!!

    In my review this morning, I remember that I wanted to be either a pediatrician or a lawyer. Guess God had other plans although I can see the qualities of love and justice that I associate with those professions also being spiritual qualities. It all comes out in the wash and I k ow without a doubt that I am doing what I have been called to do!

    I just want to be awake which doing it!,,,

    Shine On!
    Rev. Sylvia

  8. Early in my life as a young child, I always wanted to be a teacher. I knew at a very early age that teaching was something that I had done before and that nothing would stop me from doing just that when I grow up. This feeling of having taught before, always puzzled me. I could not understand how I could have been a teacher when I was only a young child. I finish college and began the search for a job. I began my career by teaching at a private boys school for one year. I next taught at a catholic school, both experiences were quite fulfilling,but the pay was not comparable to what public schools paid. The job market was very tight in public schools in the D.C. area, so I was forced to spread my search to Baltimore. I did not want the daily commute; and I just did not like Baltimore. As God would have it, Baltimore came through. As soon as I began teaching in Baltimore, D.C. Public School called with a job. I stayed in Baltimore. A few years later, another opening in D.C. came through which I seriously thought about accepting. Thanks to some close co-workers I decided to stay put. That same year D.C. terminated a large number of teachers. A close call that would have left me without a job.

    For thirty-three years , I taught in Baltimore. Things did not get better until I realized that my lessons were in Baltimore. There were good lessons and not so good lessons. I learned valuable lessons about children and adults. I met some of the most wonderful people one could ever want to meet. Allowing God to guide and direct my journey was the greatest lesson gained from these experiences. It can never be wrong. Resisting his will always produce conflicts.
    My biggest regret was not being enlighten enough to accept God's will and guidance much sooner. But, I know within myself that everything happens at just the right time and place. Everything and everybody I interacted with was necessary for my growth and for me to be where I am today.
    It is hoped that my legacy will be that within the many years I have been upon this planet I have at least touched one person in a way to make their life a little better. You know, I don't think my legacy is yet completed. I still feel there is some more teaching to be done. If that is the case, I will trust and wait on the God of my Being to show me what it is I still must do.

  9. All my life I wanted to become a school teacher. I detoured and took on the wonderful and challenging work of Motherhood and got a good safe job in the phone company and stayed there for 30 years. However, I realized a few years ago, that I never abandoned my dream of being a teacher. Most of my adult life I shared my spiritual journey and all that I was learning with all my friends and family. For many of them I became their spritual counselor, no matter what religion they were practicing. This lead me to becoming and Ordained Interfaith Minister. If I do not find a vocation that allows me to use my ministry, I would regret it deeply. However, I know deep in my heart and soul that this will not happen. Today I am filled with joy for life and I would like for this to be my legacy. So I will own and claim my legacy right here, right now. So it is and So be it. Thank you God.

    Be Blessed
    Rev. Pat

  10. It is with gratitude that I take a moment in the middle of the day to post. Yes I'm at work so I'll try to be brief.
    When I was young I wanted to be an archeologist. Then as a teenager I discovered the artist in me. I believe artist expression is my passion, one of my divine gifts. Like Keven my parents thought I should be more practical in choosing a major in college. For that and many other reasons (that will probably be revealed later in this process) I did not finish school. So much for being practical.
    The question of continuing as you are now is an odd one. If I continue as I am now everything will be in Divine Order because now I am a person open to growth, growing in the understanding that life is a series of transitions, and I am aware of the transitional stage I am presently in.
    That said if I transitioned out of this body today my regrets would be many. Gods gifts would be 1/3 used, my stories would be untold, songs unsung, joys selfishly squandered instead of shared.
    My legacy my art. I want to move mountains, stir hearts, rattle idol minds.
    I am glad I have the door to my office closed so no one can see me crying. As I type this Mavis Staples "I Belong To the Band" came on. It remains me of a pledge I made to God. In a time of pain I told God I would not sing in another club until I sang for him. Not belonging to any church I committed my voice to God. My Unity family I am so blessed to have you in my life. (WHEW! So much for brief).

  11. As a little girl, I loved to read and writer so consequently, I wanted to be a journalist. That did not happen. However, to be a writer, one must write and I do. I have been writing my experiences, emotions and feelings. When I look back on some of the things I've written, like Rev. Sylvia said, in some ways NOTHINGS's CHANGED. However, there has been change within me and in the world. I do regret not having children, because they are a legacy. However, in thinking about a legacy, I hope it is seen as a life that never gave up. In my lowest moments faith said that if I believe and just hold on to hope then my life will get better. No matter what, keep believing, setting goals and most of all remain open to change. To quote Maya Angelou: "And Still, I Rise.

  12. Ever since I was a little girl, I have known that I wanted to have my career in the area of business, finance or accounting. While most little girls wanted dolls, I preferred to go to the office supply store to purchase ledger paper, pencils, rulers, index cards WITH a metal file box (you get my drift)...oh, yes and coin wrappers. Was not in my budget back then to buy an 10-key adding machine.

    I knew that I would do what I do professionally, because I used to record serial numbers on money and write down the year of every coin in my ledger, and reconciled my piggy bank. Very much an accountant!

    Now that I have accomplished those goals, I find myself expanding my focus and realizing my potential in pursuing a Master's in Accounting and NonProfit Management.

    I have no regrets and do not anticipate having any primarily because I do my best to live in the present moment. The past is over and as I continue to do my work, I discover new interests, that will play a role in the unfoldment of my legacy.

    Thank you for allowing me to share.

  13. Good morning, I've been doing the readings, journaling and actually reading the blogs, but not posting. Today I thought I'd post. As I was growing up there were several phases of things I wanted to be when I became an adult--they were an artist, nun, teacher, and psychologist.

    Did I accomplish my dream--good question! I would have to say yes, because while none of the above became a specific title that I held in my career choice, I am sure the passion behind each resulted in the career choice that I made as a human resources professional.

    As someone else said, my legacy is also my children. But I'd like to add to that something that always stays with me from the Mastermind Prayer Principles--that is "I want to set the highest example for others to follow and remain an open channel for God's will."

  14. Hello, Unity Family, I am late with my assignment for Friday, however I was doing GOD', work by being there for my Granddaughter, who needed my prayers and suuport. I read my lesson Friday morning and meditated on be God representative I journaled my answers. So here goes. When I was young I always wanted to be a teacher. Well early Motherhood changed that path or so I thought. GOD is Good. I had to drop our of school in the ninth grade and get a job to take care of my family. I was fortunate to get a job with AT&T that lasted 30 year. All of my assignment where in the Accounting field, but I was teaching new employees on the companies systems. I ending my career teaching Quality and Diversity Principals. I now own my own Tax Preapartion Business, work part-time for a Community College doing their Accounting and also Volunteering my time at Nursing homes, helping the residents doing whatever is needed. My legacy I was a loving person with a heart of Gold. I regeret that it took so long for me to realize self-love. This class is so in devine time. I am determined to stay the course.

  15. Good Evening Unity Family,
    I am so grateful for this course at this time. I had been sick with a sinus infection/flu for two weeks, but felt I had to come to class last week, the 20th. I felt a peace while in the sanctuary and so comforted. The next morning at about 8:15AM my mother, Carrie Murray, made her transition. It was being in the presence of Spirit on Wednesday night that prepared me for the news. It is never easy to lose a loved one,especially my mother, but I truly know her spirit is free of the limitations of her body. My mother always said, whatever you do be sure you put God in it!

    I feel I have done that, whether teaching in public housing complexes in DC to our children to know their cultural heritage in an Afterschool program, or taking books to the African descendant people in Bluefields, Nicaragua or my current work of supporting women and children in Haiti - Haiti Earth Angels. I am able to live a life of service because I watched my mother. She worked all day and would meet us at church having handwritten poems for Christmas and Easter programs at church and our home was always the safe place for the youth of the church to gather over food and a good time.

    I spoke to my Truth in Action Partner but I was too full to talk..I'll re-engage after the homegoing for my mom, but thanks Unity - my peacefulness is grounded in this course and the messages I recall in the moments when I need solace.

    Thanks Rev. Sylvia!
