Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What you pay attention to grows stronger in your life!

Greetings Awakened Ones!

A few minutes ago I wrote and posted what I thought was a great piece on today's message and it disappeared when I posted it. My first reaction was, "you gotta be kidding me"! (that's putting it mildly). But then after accepting that it was gone, never to return again, and that I was simply going to have to rewrite the message, I got peaceful. There is something to this "accepting what is", and the more we do it, the more peace we will experience!

I wonder if we really know what energy magnets we are and how much we really can influence our lives by what we say, think, feel and believe, repetitively!
Repetition is the key! It is how things manifest in your life. So, it is vital to be conscious of what is running through your mind, consistently.

Our theme for today says, "what you pay attention to grows stronger in your life". Wow! That can be good or that can be scary depending on what you are paying attention to or dwelling upon.

The Questions for today are:
. What did you pay attention to yesterday? Can you identify your predominant thoughts and how you felt?

. What type of seeds are you sowing in the garden of your mind and life?

. What does personal growth have to do with happiness?

ACTION STEP for today:
. Observe what you are paying attention to throughout your day.

Yes, I know this consciousness stuff takes energy and focus but that is a small price to pay for Enlightenment, Grace, Peace, and Happiness!

Be Blessed and Wake Up!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. What I thought about yesterday was "what am I thinking" I really focused on how my thoughts wonder and where they go when they wonder. It seems that when I am not paying attention my thoughts take me to something fearful or something that I feel is missing However, when I pay attention and call my EGO on it I let it know that it is a liar and that I am not what it is attempting to convince me I am.
    The seeds I sow today is that Everyday in Every way IAM getting better and better. Yes Rev this consciousness stuff does take energy and I can not imagine starting my day any other way. Thank you for piloting this ship and taking us on this journey I can't wait for the next lesson

  2. WOW, Rev Sylvia you were talking directly to me today and I thank you. A few days ago I was listening to a internet readio interview with Lisa Nichols and she said something that has stuck in my mind ever since."Energy grows where Energy goes." You have reminded me of this again this morning. I was seriously challenged in my life this weekend with a personal experience and even though I kept remembering what I heard, and if you can believe this, I forgot to consciously apply it to my thoughts about this challenge. God is Good and this is absoulute. I have now been reminded and in an instant moment, completely changed the way I am responding with my thoughts to this personal problem. A sense of peace has come over me and I truly know that all is well with my soul and that I can TRUST the outcome of this situation. I thank you again Rev Sylvia and I am so grateful to be a new member of this amazing Unity family.

  3. Hey Rev. Dr. Charlotte, I am so glad you are on the journey and are committed to demonstrating an Enlightened consciousness! Shine on!

    Rev. S

  4. Hi Pat, yes it does indeed take conscious effort and most of all remembrance, We have to remember to apply it in the moment and to the situation at hand. I think the key is also to recognize the emotional charges when they first come so that you can asses what thoughts or energy you are holding in mind and then instantly change them if needed. This has to be quick otherwise the thought or negative energy will suck you into unconsciousness and you most likely will respond in fear.

    Our goal....Stay Awake!
    Rev. Sylvia

  5. I continue to wipe sleep from my eyes as I awaken to the power established in my consciousness. I may nap often, but the lessons I’m learning as a Truth Student are like energy drinks - keeping my aware longer and longer.

    Today’s lesson reminds me of why my appreciation for life is ever increasing, but also suggests that I must balance how much attention I give to the negative things I have not yet changed.

  6. Yesterday, my thoughts were about growing my tax service. And from the time I left my house until returning, I met people who were looking for tax services and run into some old clients. It’s was great because when doubt or worry entered my mind I started to sing “My thoughts are prayers.” I would repeat seek a higher consciousness … over and over This changed my thoughts.

  7. Good Morning Unity Family, I feel so glad to be alive. Yesterday, I had an opportunity to not react but to stay focus and stay at peace no matter what was happening in my enviornment. I seem that since we started this course. All, the negative forces have been attaching me and my love ones. However, I remember my Busshist leaders use to tell us when we complained about the troubles in our life, CONGRADULATIOS you now have an opportunity to change your karma. AT the time when I started to think about my troubles as why me or what's happening, I remembered our mission is to be Light Bringers which always dispel the darkness. So I am trying to focus on the light.

  8. Thanks for sharing your experiences Rev. Sylvia. It helps me to understand that we are all works in progress. I have to admit that my day yesterday was spent with two opposite thoughts working in direct competition with each other. On the one hand, I meditated on a saying I got from Rev Sylvia about 15 years ago "there's abundance in the Universe and I am worthy." But on the other hand, I let fear of some upcoming financial concerns creep into my thoughts. This lets me know I still have some major work to do. I know all too well that the dominate thought is the one that will manifest into my reality. So, I will tackle this day with no fear of an unforeseen future for I know God is there to support me and my every needs are already provided for me. I am focusing on abundance. As you Rev. Sylvia once said, "there are an abundance houses, cars, money and love. Why wouldn't you be able to have all of the things that you desire?"

    My happiness won't reside with "things"... not even financial things... my happiness will reside in the fact that God is meeting all of my needs, on time, for my highest good! I will focus all my energy on believing, really believing this to be true! And so it is!

  9. Good morning. My seed thought the last few days (since we started this journey) has been peace. To not sweat the small stuff or the big stuff, to know that all is as it should be in my universe. I have asked for peace and several opportunities have come along recently that have allowed me to practice. :) I want to grow the seeds of peace and patience in my garden. I thank God everyday for everything in my life good and not so good. There was a time when I was not conscious enough to do that. I think personal growth has everthing to do with happiness. You have to be willing to do the work, to filter out all the stuff that you think should make you happy to get to the googy goodness center of what happiness really is. which is why I am gratefull for this journey we have started. There are some things you can do on your own, but as a wise lady said last night sometime you need a third party to help you along. This class has come right on time for me, like the song says "God may not come when you want him but he will always comes on time." Amen.

  10. I have had my mind fixed on specific goals that have been manifesting nicely over the past year. Part of that plan unfolds today but for this phase I'd need help. I had someone in mind but a busy schedule prevented me from picking up the phone and asking. Spirit, on the other hand, made the call and we connected in person, seemingly by chance (but I know better). When I asked for help, he did not flinch at the physical task I lay before him. He was happy to help. When we parted I was filled with Spirit. I knew it was the Universe aligning in my favor.

  11. I cannot say it more enthusiastically just how thrilled I am to have the opportunity to be pro-actively engaged, moment by moment in the 2012 Life Mastery practice to become more enlightened! Seed thoughts do prevail, and I am able to 'bear witness' to the growth of each experience that is held in (my) mind. Those that have been positive and also those of a less than higher vibration. So today, I have chosen to become more aware of my focus and the attention I give each experience, and if in any given moment, I choose a path that is less than positive, I have been able to shift quickly (yes, it has happened at least 3 times today...) It is simply gratifying to know that I can choose this day, what I will focus my attention on and hopefully, by the end of today, the personal growth will be revealed and as I relax, in the happy space of God Mind, I know that I am on a wonderful journey! be well~

  12. I really like the messages today -- what you pay attention to grows stronger (good and bad) and sowing seeds in your mind and life. I have not thought about the effect of our thoughts in quite this way before. I definitely want to be more aware of my thoughts, particularly negative thoughts, as they arise and deal with them more effectively so that destructive thoughts do not have an opportunity to take root. Any suggestions on tools to use to weed out negative energy on an ongoing basis?

  13. Sometimes, from moment to moment, my focus will constantly change. I can't recall any single issue or thought that dominated my day. I seem to have a lot of brain chatter. However, after reviewing my journal, I have identified a recurring theme. I will try to devote more energy into monitoring my thoughts and increasing my affirmations.

  14. I was extremely mindful of my thoughts today, and realize that I have just as many fear-filled thoughts as faith-filled ones. I am vigilant in making the change, from the inside out.

  15. Like most of us today, I was mindful of my thoughts and actions. I focused on being appreciative of what I have and not on what I want. I always want more, but even when I get what I want, I'm off to the next thing I want. Today was about looking inward for peace and spreading it outward. I had a good day looking forward to this evening's class.
