Friday, October 15, 2010

Every day is a new day

Greetings Friends!

So, since we have a sense of our purpose in life, it would seem that we should then also have a strong sense of self; we should know what it is we want to do; what we stand for and what we value

So, our questions for today are:

. Do your know what you stand for? Or what your values and principles are?
. What would you do with your life today if you weren't afraid of failure?
. What are you doing to maintain or develop a strong inner sense of self?

Let's talk,
Rev. Sylvia


  1. I am a point of light in God's divine plan. Knowing that, my strongest desire is to remain focused on the here and now so that I may experience Oneness in all its glory. I value my communion with God, my family, myfriends, even my dog Tasha. I will do what is right for them no matter what. Over the past two years, I have learned their importance.

    If I were not afraid of failure (and maybe some other things), I would aggressively persue the Spirit's urgings to begin work with children who are challenged emotionally and mentally. Somehow, I do not feel like I have the patience to do it right now. I am focussing my meditation to build patience and compassion. More importantly, God is testing me with more and more opportunities for this development each day.

  2. I found out this morning a dear friend of mine passed away unexpectedly last night after a brief illness. So today's lesson, "Every day is a new day," strikes a chord. For her, she does not have a "new day" on this earthly plane. It is a reminder that we must take advantage of each new day while we can. I will focus on the study questions later today. Peace be with you.

  3. I do things in spite of being afraid but it is fearful and not a lot of fun. What I endeavor to do is to do things with faith and open to the lessons along the way. What's ironic is that things always turn out better than my projections. What I know for sure is that when I am faithful in my meditation my fears are less controlling. I am making a commitment to my daily meditation and making this practice a priority

  4. I like to think I stand for fairness, which to me means having an open mind and being able to listen to all points of view even if I don't always agree. I recently put myself on a five year plan, which is way overdue. :) Despite the fear, I want to teach in some capacity, be it as a subsitute or full time. Teaching is something I have always wanted to do but life and fear has slowed the process. I would like to teach in middle school but will go where the greatest need is at the time. My sense of self is still a work in progress,I think the process of this program will help.

  5. The questions what I stand for and a stronger sense of self go hand in hand. I have grown to be very principled in many areas of my life. I value most the ability to keep "your word." Being impeccable with your word is a big deal for me. If I didn't have a sense of failure, I would pack up and go see the world.

  6. My values and principles are very clear to me. Unfortunately, I expect others to have most of the same values - which is just impossible. Since my relationship with God is getting stronger all the time, I realize i must honor and respect others for whom and where they are. Since I have a good sense of self and a desire to be more and more loving, my challenge is to meet my own expectations without imposing those expectations on others. Today is a new opportunity to judge no one. It ain't always easy.

  7. My most important value is to see the God in everything and everyone. This value helps me to keep conscious of God's presence 24/7. I think the of fear of being wrong or not living up to other people expectations has kept me, for many years, from wanting to demonstrate many of my inner spiritual talents. The problem for me is to determine whether this is a form of selfishness,fear or an overblown ego standing in the way of me letting my light shine in order to help others. I know what we call problems are only opportunities for growth. I deal with this by going within everyday to find a solution to this situation by listening to the GOD of my Being.

  8. Yes. I stand for a world where the life all sentient beings is deeply valued. My values are many, perhaps none more important than kindness, it can tranform a persons day or life. If I were brave enough right now, I would take the first step toward opening my own small business, not sure exactly what, but it would entail self help in some form. I know that I'm moving in the direction, I also know that I'm taking baby steps as a defense mechanism.

  9. I received this in email this morning from someone that has no idea that I'm involved in this Life Mastery program. I found it to be appropriate for our reading today. It's somewhat long, so please bear with me.

    Imagine that you had won the following prize in a contest:

    Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400.00 in your private account for your use. However, this prize had rules, just as any game has certain rules.

    The first set of rules would be:

    Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you. You may not simply transfer money into some other account. You may only spend it. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400.00 for that day.

    The second set of rules:

    The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say, It's over, the game is over! It can close the account and you will not receive a new one. What would you personally do? You would buy anything and everything you wanted, right? Not only for yourself, but for all the people you love, right? Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly spend it all on yourself, right? You would try to spend every cent, and use it all, right?


    Each of us is in possession of such a magical bank. We just can't seem to see it.


    Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life, and when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is NOT credited to us. What we haven't lived up that day is forever lost. Yesterday is forever gone.

    Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time....WITHOUT WARNING.

    SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds?
    Aren't they worth so much more than the same amount in dollars?
    Think about that, and always think of this:

    Enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than you think.

    So take care of yourself, and enjoy life!

    Here's wishing you a wonderfully beautiful day!!!

    Prayers and Blessings,

  10. I love today's lesson and think it's one of the best ways to stay focused, but also the easiest to forget. If you always have the mind set that every day is a new day, then you're open to trying things differently and less likely to repeat self-destructive patterns of thought and behavior.

  11. Hi there, Everyone!

    I am new at this but I am excited to be a part of 2012 Life Mastery family.

    Breezy Bishop

  12. This applies to me any day -- If I was not fearful of failure or repercussions I WOULD TELL THE TRUTH.

    During parent-teacher conferences at school I found that often I was sugarcoating the truth about student performance to parents to make the truth easier to swallow. I find this happens often with me and I observe this in others. But, in the end my heart says that is not he best way.

    "Tell it like it is" my mother used to say.
    "Speak your truth" resonates in my soul.
    And try to be your authentic self always.
