Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What you gain by understanding yourself better

Wow! Today's message is just for me. Yesterday I had an incident that had me reflecting upon my response. I discovered that i have deeply rooted core values and beliefs about how I will approach ministry. When I am faced with the prospect of being out of alignment with my credo, it causes a strong reaction within me. Knowing this about myself is very helpful when I witness my reactions.

The action steps for today are to answer the questions our author poses. They are quite powerful. So bring a situation to mind and apply these questions:
. What do I want to achieve in this situation?
. What message is my behavior giving to other people?
. Do my actions match and reflect my intentions?
. What is needed here?
. What would make a positive difference?
. What can I bring to this situation?

Well, it is time to look deep!

Be Blessed and Wake Up!
Rev. Sylvia


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What I want to achieve in this lesson is to learn to listen to my knowing and to allow the feelings from my body integrate with the feelings of in my mind. When I stop look listen to what my heart is saying I have a much better result. My reactions to things tend to reflect a past feeling or emotion that I have embraced as a truth and what I am learning to do with I thought was true at the time, to reevaluate if it is still true NOW! I try not to go with first response and ask myself What do I really feel about this situation!

  3. These questions are so deep and I have several situations happening in my life at this time. I choose not to pick a situation because they overlap one another. I won’t post my response to these questions; however I have answered the questions in my journal. My message to others is to surrender let go and let God.

  4. Today's lesson must have been meant for me. On yesterday while in my ASL class, a new person entered. When I first saw this woman, I thought to myself, "I recognize her". No, this couldn't be that ____from years ago on my job. This person was the area director for special Ed. students. She visited our school in relations to a new transfer student who was bipolar, completely out of control and violent. This student had a very high IQ, but lack self control to be placed in a regular classroom setting. Our teaching team consisted of seasoned regular educators who were not equipped to address the demanding needs of a student with such challenges. This woman had caused so much disruption at our team meetings with her demands, that one of our teachers walked out of the meeting and refused to tolerate this woman's nonsense. It was finally decided by our principal, that I would be the only representative at the meetings on behalf of the team. This woman attacked our team's lack of sensitivity to the needs of this child. This attack was made in front of the child's parent. Needless to say, I came to the defense of my team members. There were some volatile exchanges between the two of us. This woman later told my principal that she was so offended that I referred to her as a pompous administrator sitting on her throne giving out dictates that she herself was not competent to fulfill. I wanted to beat that ____ into the ground. I was so angry with this woman that I swore if I ever saw her outside of our work environment I would let her have it. Over the course of several weeks, our principal finally discovered how off base this woman and her team had been. She demanded that this woman and her team leave her school at once and take the student to a school that could better address his needs. The principal apologized to our team for the abuse we had endured from the student, the woman and her team. Please remember, there are two sides to every story, this was my side of it. To make a long story short, God had now placed this daughter of light right in my presence. She was here in D.C.,all the way from Baltimore, I steamed. Raged rose up in me like a volcano. A soft voice within me said, "Is this not a child of your father?" I thought to myself, where are the principles you are trying to practice? This woman could never do anything to me. Whatever I perceived she did, she did to herself. The anger and rage is yours to hold or let go. What would be best for my highest good? I looked at her and said to myself, "yes this is the woman from years ago". I finally decided after ferociously fighting my ego, she's human like myself the same flaws and short comings. She too is a child of God the Father, the Creator. I took a breath and allowed calmness and quietness to come over me. I was courteous and respectful. I did not identify myself nor do I think she remembered me. All these years, that woman had let go and I was still holding on to such harmful thoughts to my being. What an eye opener and lesson learned. Holding on to negatives from the past hurts no one but myself. No thing or person can do anything to me unless I allow it to be. I allowed this woman to move me from my center years ago and forgot to release it from my thought body. This wonderful life is such a challenge. Trials and tribulations, never a bored moment.

  5. Please forgive me for such a long venting comment. I got caught up in the moment and did not realize it was that long.

  6. Thank you Rev.S and everyone for the wonderful posts! I am learning to just keep moving, loving and learning. As I do that, I throw my head back and laugh at just how funny life is. One, Rev. Mandara

  7. This lesson taught me that I can't take comfort in just feeling like I know myself pretty well. It’s not enough to use that knowledge to explain what I like; what I want; and why I make the choices I do. I also need to use that self awareness when making choices that affect other people and situations outside myself. How do I dare stand in judgment of others knowing my own complexities and contradictions?

  8. Welcome Rev. Mandara! It is good to have your wisdom. And Fischer this is the place too uncover what is deep within us so that we see it and deal with it or heal it!

    Thank you everyone for your wonderful sharing and divine ideas.,
    Rev. Sylvia

  9. There are points in the day when all I want to achieve is to get on the other side of that moment. These questions are easily intellectualized but how do I manifest this lesson? When in the moment I think love, kindness, and being true to myself. Hopefully my actions will align with what is good and the result is positive for all involved. On October 26, 2011 I am learning to have faith that God speaks through intuition. I try to follow that first voice that is love. Sometimes I can tell when I am acting on ego. The question I ask is what causes me to resort to the defensive posture of the ego instead of the openness of God.

  10. I have stepped away from some friends and family in order to focus on my spiritual journey. Consistently, I want to feel and hear God's guidance. I want to own and express my Oneness with God. In order to achieve this, I must quiet the chatter and step away from the “rat race” I created and focus inwardly. Some friends and family do not understand why I am not socializing as much as I once did. Some friends and family members feel abandoned because I am not as accessible to them either physically or emotionally as I once was. Others have even commented on how “churhified” I have become. I lovingly explained that I am not interested in attending church as a rote activity practiced since childhood. I explained my fervent desire is to live an authentically God-centered life. About this situation, I need to accept I created it by my actions and must resolve it the same way. What is needed is balance, love and understanding from all concerned. Rev. Sylvia, in a recent message, offered a powerful affirmation which I have used often in this situation, “I owe no person anything but love”. Love and understanding is all I can offer to those open to accept it. I hope to get a little love and understanding in return. If I do not I will keep moving on my journey.

  11. I was really impressed with the list of potential benefits flowing from "understanding yourself better." I really appreciate Fisher's comments. I too struggle with holding on to past hurts and wanting to hold others accountable for their actions that caused the hurt. I tend to think in a very logical, legalistic manner and letting go of that is not easy because it seems the result would be anarchy, or becoming a doormat for someone else's abusive behavior, whether intentional or not. My question then is when is it appropriate to seek justice or reparations for a wrong and when do we simply "let go?" One of the listed benefits of knowing yourself better is becoming slower to judge situations as "bad" or "good." But does that mean "anything goes?"
