Friday, June 17, 2011

Transform Defensiveness

Greetings Beloved One,

What's the difference between your ego and your Self? One needs no defending! When we become identified with our ego sense of self as opposed to our true Self, we succumb to defensiveness. Why? Because the ego's job is to defend the sense of self at all costs! And cost us it does!!!

Instead of trying to defend your "sense" of self, why not spend time trying to uncover and discover your true self, that part of you that is Divine, loving and perfect in God's view. This self exists in love, ease and grace. This self is understanding, compassionate, forgiving, accepting, honoring, and connected to Spirit.

. How is your ego showing up these days?
. What do you do to bring yourself back to your true self?
. Do you love yourself?
. What do you do with your less than stellar aspects of your personality?

Well, make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia

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