Monday, June 13, 2011

Tidying up the people around you

Greetings Beloved One,

Ok, we have all done it, and to no avail! That is, we have tried to change someone and it didn't work. Yet, we try it anyway!

It is so easy to point out other people's flaws and negative personality traits. Why is that? Well because it is harder still to focus on our own flaws and shadow side. Yet, that is what we must do if we are to grow spiritually and psychologically.

It takes a brave heart to truly look into one's own psyche and personality. But do it we must. Let each person tend to their own garden and you be about the business of tending your own weeds!

When you can love, accept and be aware of your hot spots and begin to take positive action to heal them, you will begin to experience wholeness, not to mention peace of being!

. What needs to be healed within you?
. Have you ever been successful at changing someone else? If so, how did you do it?
. What is your greatest fear about facing yourself?
. What is it about others that triggers a reaction in you? Why is that?

Well, there is a lot to examine today so make it a valuable day!
Rev. Sylvia

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