Friday, June 10, 2011

Entitled to be yourself

Greetings Beloved,

How many times have friends, family or colleagues felt comfortable enough to tell you what is "Wrong" with you? What is not quite right or perhaps some bad habit you have or annoying trait, or tendenacy? And, you think this is something you want to get rid of.

While it may be helpful to listen to those repeated comments that may ring a familiar bell in you, it is not wise to believe that is all of who you are! You are always more than some habit, tendenacy, or personality quirk. Those are simply "a part" of who you are, NOT all of who you are!

When you can recognize an aspect of yourself it is easier to handle or to make changes than if you believe it to be all of who you are. Stand back and also look at other parts of yourself that you possess that may be just the opposite of your less than favorable traits. This will put things in perspective for you.

. What are your positive traits?
. What are your less than positive traits?
. How do these balance each other or serve you in your growth process?

Well, make it a valuable day!
Rev. Syliva

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