Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Anger need not drive you!

Greetings Beloved Ones,

Our author states, "when it comes to anger, we can add to the world's sum total of anger, rage, frustration,and aggregation - or we can reduce it". Dealing with or controlling your anger is paramount for your relationships and personal health.

There are different levels and variations of anger, and being able to identify them is Important in getting them under control. Are you irritated, enraged, annoyed, frustrated, violent, pissed,
feeling dismissed, piveed? Are you short tempered, aggressive, passive-aggressive, smoldering?

It is not that we should not have these emotions nut it is vital that we don't let them drive us or move us into unconscious actions. The author give us plenty of ways to practice working with and alleviating our anger. Practice Peace!
. What are your practices for controlling or reducing your anger?
. How do you take care of your needs? Do you ask for what you need? Or do you just hope you will get it or that someone will notice them?

Well, make it a peaceful day!
Rev. Sylvia

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the different levels and variations of anger. This morning I told myself that I rarely get angry. Oh the things we tell ourselves. Tonight I admit to easily being annoyed, irritated, or frustrated and label it as anger.

    When I am aware I take a deep breath. I also try, very hard, to keep my mouth shut. The lesson of moniting your justifications for your behavior really resonates with me. That is something I will begin to practice.
